
Named after Kuzma: Dwarven God of the Forge, Kuzmite and Kuzminium are rare ore and refined metal respectively.   They can be found in small deposits throughout the Thunderfrost Mountain Range Interior, and some is thought to be on the surface as well, though finding it under the snow would prove a nearly impossible task and a dangerous one at that.


Physical & Chemical Properties

The metal and ore glow when exposed to high concentrations of magic. Divine energy seems to flow through places where it is found. When refined, it is one of the strongest substances in existance.

Origin & Source

It is suspected that this happens to ore that are exposed to divine energy for an extended period of time, somewhere around 400 years.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The refined metal is generally used in extremely high grade weapons or magic implements. It may also often see use in parts that see extremely high stress and usage.

Reusability & Recycling

It melts down and can be reused just as any other metal. It's just harder to melt. One tends to not get rid of things crafted from it.


Trade & Market

Kuzmite and Kuzminium are extremely valuable for trading. It helps dwarves stay on friendly terms with nearly everyone, since the wouldn't trade otherwise, and making an enemy of dwarves could have this very sturdy and magically conducive alloy yoused agasint you.

Law & Regulation

As it is a rare and precious export, it is regulated within the dwarven territories. Only certain people may sell or work with it. Most don't have the skill to forge anything with it anyway, so its regulation is not much of an issue.
In its ore form, like salt
A dul gray, somewhat like the color of smoke. It becomes shiny when refined.
Common State
This is most commonly found as solid ore. If you find it in any other state, you're probably either at a forge or in a volcano

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


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