
Draceen Overview

Nestled on the southwestern edge of the Trident Mountains lies Lakeland's northernmost kingdom of Draceen. Delving deep into the mountains, the nation has built its wealth by exploiting the vast mineral wealth available to them. Bitterly cold and home to numerous vicious predators, it is an environment that weeds out the weak. Despite it's harsh environment, it is not without its beauty, and most people that call Draceen home carry a fierce pride for their home.

Trade from Draceen largely involved shipping refined metals down the Lambridge River to West Reach where it supplies their ship building industry. However, in recent years, Cliffvale, who controls the majority of river traffic in the region, began imposing harsher tarriffs and taxes on river trade, straining the Draceen economy to the breaking point.

While there is no official war or alliance between the Kingdoms, the nobility of Draceen believe Cliffvale is attempting to turn them into a de facto vassal state through economic pressure. This situation has stirred anger in the hearts of much of the population, threatening to devolve into all out warfare. Fortunately, thus far the Adventurer's Guild has been able to stave off war by reminding the rules of the First Dragmar Horde. Which each passing day, though, the influence those words carries grows weaker.

Geopolitical, Kingdom


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