The Continent of Rigda
Continent of Rigda
The continent of Rigda sits slightly above the equator and boasts sweeping plains, arboreal forests, and soaring mountains. It is a land of relatively mild climates with mild winters and summers. The mild climate and ample rainfall coupled with lots of sunshine have made this area a rich land of agriculture which has in turn lead to a more rapid expansion and colonization.
The Humans territory of Lakeland dominates the west with its many rivers, lakes, and ancient forests that lead east to the sweeping central plains. There in the vast grasslands the Eastern Nomads guard the human lands to the east as far as the Fenfall River that splits the continents north to south.
Along the southern coast, tectonic activity caused by the eruption of the same undersea volcano that formed the Dark Crescent Flame Isles led to a sudden upthrust of the continental plates, forming a massive mountain range that isolated the southwestern most expanse of the continent. The geologic shift caused the land to rise and the seawaters to receded, leaving a vast marine habitat exposed. Between the newly formed mountain range and the newly exposed seabed the Pakhrani Desert, inhabited now by the Ankhana, was formed as the mountains blocked much of the normal rain from reaching the land beyond
.This sudden upheaval caused what had been the western-most branch of the Fenfall River to flow backwards along its previous course, with the new source of water being springs and runoff from the Hayitese Mountains. This back flow of water spread out to the east, overflowing the Lower Fenfall and raising the water level in the area to create what became the The Spirit Fens.
East of the Fenfall river lies The Great Hart Forest, a primeval woodland of unspeakable majesty, goverend by an ancient group of Eldar that claimed the regions long before the other races set foot upon the world. Oaks older than kingdoms and the majestic Jambu trees that tower up to the heavens fill the vast forest. Many diverse groups of Dremen also call the forest home, tending to live in isolated communities.