Dream Devourer

It's hard to imagine what could be considered unnatural in a world where, through interaction with mana, The Dream becomes manifest reality. What then, could one consider more unnatural than a Dremen? That which devours Dreams, not satisfied by merely destroying a thing, it feeds off the universe's dream of a thing, until even the possibility of it ceases to exist.
— Andowyn

Dream Devourer

The threat of wiping someone out of existence has been around since sapient creatures understood hate. Yet, never has any killer been capable of carrying out that threat; except one. One of the few creatures able to pass from the Prime Material Plane to The Dream and return, the Dream Devourer has evolved a particularly horrifying means of predation.

Once a Dream Devourer has killed and consumed a creature, it can trace the scent of its 'memory' to The Dream, where it hunts down and consumes the dream as well. If a dream of a thing no longer exists, it begins to fade from all existence. Memories of it will disappear, traces explained away, until it as if that creature never existed, and it will never be possible for it to exist again.

Dream Devourers seem to be somewhat related to Fayne in that they do not possess any inherent personal mana. However, where the Fayne can not, Devourer's simpy do not. Things that would normally interact with mana have no effect on them, as if they come from a realm that predates, or perhaps is constituted without, mana. Some have speculated that they are actually a Dragmar variant of Dremen that manifested as the opposite of the interactions between the Dream and the Prime Material Plane, but as of yet, no one knows.

Basic Information


Dream Devourers are relentless stalking predators.


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