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Civil Unrest in the Si Wong Desert


Sandbending Tribes conduct raids in the Southern borders of Ba Sing Se.

Following civil unrest from the people of the Si Wong Desert, a sandbender raid has taken place today at the southern border of Ba Sing Se. This raid was led by Chief Sai-Lun of the Hami Sand Tribe, who clashed with a battalion of Earth Kingdom soldiers led by Captain Fon. Both sides suffered casualties however the sandbenders retreated, stating that they had gotten their point across.

During this time Queen Kyama had been giving a speech about the tensions and unrest going on in the kingdom. She was joined by Ayato who revealed himself to be the son of Sai-Lun and tribal prince of the tribe. He discussed how his mother wants peace and equality, however she believes that violence is necessary to bring justice. Ayato supports her beliefs, as the people of the Si Wong Desert have suffered and been neglected by the kingdom. Ayato then declared a rebellion under the monarchy and stated that he will be joining his mother’s raids. Kyama ordered Ayato’s arrest, and soldiers attempted to apprehend him however he managed to escape.

Following attacks in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se, Earth Queen Kyaam orders a lockdown of that part of the city.

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