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The Earth Kingdom

This article is an overview of the Water Tribes

Written by: Sairan
Click here to read the articles relating to: Ba Sing Se ; Omashu


The Earth Kingdom is one of the four original nations in the physical world. The people of the Earth Kingdom are proud and strong and historically adhered to a philosophy of peaceful coexistence and cooperation with the other nations of the world. However, since the rule of Earth King Yin Lian, the Earth Kingdom has become a more militiarised state, focusing power into the military and land expansion than any other era in their history. Spanning an entire continent, and islands along the eastern hemisphere, the Earth Kingdom is the largest nation in the world. The kingdom operates as a monarchy under the rule of a king or queen, with its current head of state being Earth King Run.
Table of Contents

Brief History

The Earth Kingdom's history is long, filled with periods of prosperity and decline. It has been said that its most prosperous period was during the reign of Earth King Fong due to his iron fist ruling and strict code that he adhered to. During his reign he set up a long standing tradition of being allies with the Water Tribe, and that has continued to the present day. However, after his reign, the Earth Kingdom began to descend back into the chaos that Earth King Yin Lian brought during his reign. The Earth Kingdom was filled with civil wars from Earth Queen Jin to Earth King Yuan and beyond.
In the year beginning 309 AG, the events of the Great Sand Tribe rebellion began with the Huichen Clan, a family of sandbenders with a long and complex history. They had seen the Earth Kingdom develop throughout generations, from the reign of Hou-Ting to the current Genyuan dynasty, from whom the Huichen clan were revealed to be intertwined with. The Huichen Clan lead the Hami Tribe for generations, with the aim to create stability and organization within the desolate desert province of the Earth Kingdom. However, despite the clan’s best efforts, the Earth Kingdom continued to brand the sand benders as dangerous thieves. The Earth Kingdom government had refused to offer aid to the residents of the Si Wong Desert and had left them to fend for themselves. While the sand benders struggled and suffered, those in Ba Sing Se lived lavishly and ignored the plight of those in the Si Wong Desert. Sai-Lun, a member of the Huichen Clan and Chieftess of the Hami Tribe, had begun to rally the Si Wong Tribes across the desert in the hopes of starting a rebellion. Her children, Ayato and Belan, had taken different paths in life but soon became involved in the conflict. Little did they know how their family ties, both to the Huichen Clan and Genyuan Clan, would lead to revelations about them and forever change their fate.

Present (315 AG)

Recent years have seen the Earth Kingdom engulfed in war, both civil and foreign. Realising the demise of the Earth Kingdom at their own hands, the people of the Earth Kingdom began to turn to spirituality; focusing on the peace and prosperity of the once great nation. Therefore, in the year 311 AG, Earth King Belan established the Earth Kingdom Clergy after taking inspiration from the Water Tribes in order to develop a relationship with the spirits in the Earth Kingdom, hoping some good will come out of it. Within the same year, Earth King Belan was assassinated during the Fire Lord Liv's coronation. This caused a war between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom that lasted between the years 311 AG - 313 AG where Earth King Ayato was martyed on the battlefield and General Run was named Monarch of the Earth Kingdom. Only time can tell if Earth King Run will undue the mistakes of his predecessors, but for now, the Earth Kingdom lives in peace.

Culture & Traditions

The culture of the Earth Kingdom corresponds with their element of earth, with its elemental colour and origin stories, based on the Lion Turtles and their geographic location. For instance, the elemental season of the Earthbenders is Spring; with more Earthbenders born in the Spring time than any other season. The overall culture of the Earth Kingdom cannot be as strictly defined as the other nations due to its size and diversity. However, with earthbending being the element of "substance" the citizens of the Earth Kingdom will have a similar personality trait, reflected in many earthbenders being virtually immovable. More recently, however, there has been a focus of spirituality becoming prominent within the Earth Kingdom, where traditionally it was known as an aspect that they ignored. This could be seen in the fact that the Earth Kingdom had the lowest population ratio of benders to nonbenders in recent history; with some scholars arguing that spirituality plays an integral point in the a nations bender population.

The Earth Kingdom

Nation: Earth Kingdom   Capital City: Ba Sing Se   Location: Eastern Hemisphere  

Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy   Head of State: Earth Monarch   Head of Government: Council of Five   Current Earth King: Run Xiao   Current Earth Queen: Malin Xiao   Reign: 312 AG - Present   Previous Earth Monarch: Ayato Huichen (311 - 312 AG)  

  Animals: Badgermole, Ostrich Horse  
Location on Map


The people of the Earth Kingdom typically have green, brown or gray eyes; black or brown hair; and often dark complexions, with nobles often having lighter skin tones. Due to the size of the Earth Kingdom, traditional clothing colours vary from regions from vibrant greens to more mute beiges. The fashion of the Earth Kingdom also varies depending on the region and the social class of the citizens. For instance, Earth Kingdom Nobles will typically wear long gowns in vibrant green and gold colours, depicting their wealth and power; whereas lower class citizens will typically wear trousers and tunics in more mute colours depending on the work they do

Government & Politics

The Earth Kingdom is managed by a constitutional monarchy that oversees the entirety of the nation. However, there are some regional mayors and those in charge, such as Omashu or Kyoshi Island in recent years.
The Government works on the political affairs within the Chiefdom and helps govern the Tribe, working towards a better society for all. To enter the Government, you need to be a highly respected individual in the Tribe, notably at the top of your game in the Tribe.
  Government Structure
Earth Monarch
The Earth Monarch is the King and/or Queen of the Earth Kingdom. They are traditionally based in Ba Sing Se, where the Royal Palace constitutes in own district within the Upper Rings of the Capital City. The Earth Monarchs are typically chosen by the previous reigning monarch or by the Royal Council. They are the head of state and manage the nation as they see fit alongside their advisors in each division of government due to the size of the Earth Kingdom.
Royal Council
The Royal Council is a group of individuals who aim to advise the Earth Monarch on matters concerning the nation. This council is typically held by the Earth Monarch as chairman, the Grand Secretariat, General, Dukes and Duchesses, and the Tianshi. It also includes three elected seats that deal with representation within the government from smaller towns and citizens of the Kingdom.
Ministerial Council
The Ministerial Council serves as a division of government that deals with the individual sectors within the nation, such as Commerce, Education, Foreign Relations and Engineering. This council is held by the heads of each sector.
Council of Five
The Council of Five serves as the highest authority of the Earth Kingdom military, and oversees all military activity. It is headed by the General of the Earth Kingdom and includes the Earth Monarch and the Captains of each military division. Their sole aim is to defend the Earth Kingdom from any foreign threats.
The Royal Council is a group of very important individuals, notably for their ranks in the government and political abilities. They aid the Earth Monarch when making decisions regarding the Earth Kingdom and play a vital role in this.
  Royal Council
Grand Secretariat
The Grand Secretariat is the head of the government in the Earth Kingdom. They act as the foremost advisor on anything regarding the nation to their majesties, the Earth Monarch. They are an integral cog in the workings of the Earth Kingdom as a nation.
The General of the Earth Kingdom is the highest ranking official in the military and serves as the foremost advisor in regard to the military. They have complete control over the military and are a trusted individual to the Earth Monarch.
Duke / Duchess
The Dukes and Duchesses are nobles of the Earth Kingdom who have vast experience that are integral to the running of the nation.
The Tianshi is the head of the Earth Kingdom Clergy, a division of the government focused on revitalising the connection between the spirits and the Earth Kingdom.
Ministerial Council is a division of government dedicated for representation of the heads of each sector that manages: Foreign, Education, Engineering and Commerce.
  Ministerial Council

Foreign Relations

Foreign Minister
The head of foreign relations in the Earth Kingdom. They are in charge of ensuring peace through diplomacy.
Ambassadors are assigned a nation to ensure peaceful relations with their foreign nation and the Earth Kingdom. Ambassadors must be seen as a neutral person, and therefore may not be killed in wars.
Diplomats are advisors to Ambassadors and help with ensuring relationships with other nations are dealth with appropriately.  
A diplomat in training.
The Council of Five serves as the highest authority of the Earth Kingdom military, and oversees all military activity.

  Council of Five
Earth Monarch
Being the head of state, the Earth Monarch oversees the Council of Five.
Being the highest ranking official in the Earth Kingdom Military, the General manages the activities of the military through the Council of Five.
Captains are in charge of their own regiments. They answer to no one but the General and the Earth Monarch.

Diplomatic Relations



Resources & Trade

As the Earth Kingdom is vast in size, they are also rich in resources. Although years of mining since the time of Earth King Fong has left the Earth Kingdom low in many gems and precious materials, they still have an abundant of resources to be used to their advantage. The primary resources the Earth Kingdom has access to are iron, sandstone, coal and a variety of woods and other materials, such as gravel. These materials are used for building cities and villages within the Kingdom, but are also traded with other nations, such as the Water Tribe. This also helps the Earth Kingdom improve its relationship with other nations and benefits them for resources they do not have access to.


  The Earth Kingdom military guards the nation against its enemies in the name of the reigning Monarch.   Military Force

Military Force

The highest authority in the Earth Kingdom military, who takes orders directly from the Earth Monarch and works alongside the Grand Secretariat and Ministers.
The secondary commanders of the military, each in charge of a regiment. They operate independently from the government and in terms of authority, only the General or a fellow Captain can nullify their words.
The second-in-command of a regiment and replacement Captain in the event that a Captain is for some reason busy. They are the highest rank that you can achieve by badges alone.
One of the elites of a regiment, the Sergeants are two capable soldiers that are expected to be able to lead. Though achievable by badges, a Sergeant is usually the cream of the crop due to the member limit.
The highest generic rank and a mark of one’s capability to achieve. As it is limited in members, achieving Corporal marks one as a member of the military who is hardworking.Corporals are in charge of managing the regiment’s gear - they have to make sure every soldier and specialist has the necessary quantity of Rules of War gear.
The distinguished members of a regiment, Specialists are soldiers who have been around for a decent amount of time and been noticed by their Captains.
Soldiers are the rank and file of the regiment, members who have put a degree of dedication into their jobs.
The fresh recruits of the military, who only recently applied or have not worked hard yet.

Notable Locations

Ba Sing Se
Si Wong Desert
Kyoshi Island
Full Moon Bay
Serpents Pass
Lacus Prime
The Great Divide

Notable Figures

Note: Underlined text means it is a direct link to the character page.

Previous Earth Monarchs

Earth King Yuan   Earth Queen Jin   Earth King Bolin   Earth King Yung
Earth Queen Jin   Earth King Fong

Prominent Figures


Articles under The Earth Kingdom

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