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Si Wong Peace


This day marks a new era of peace between the Si Wong Tribes and the Earth Kingdom.

The World Telegraph brings you breaking news from the Earth Kingdom  

Today marks a new era of peace between the Si Wong Tribes and the Earth Kingdom. Earlier this afternoon Prince Ayato and a group of sandbenders invaded Ba Sing Se with the hope of rescuing Prince Belan and ending the conflict. However the group was met with force by the Earth Kingdom military, and a small battle broke out. Both sides suffered casualties, and a duel between Kyama and Ayato took place. Before the two could kill eachother, Prince Belan stepped in and informed Ayato that he has made peace with Kyama. Ayato was initially in disbelief, but after seeing Kyama call off the military on his tribespeople he realized that they need to both end the cycle of violence and revenge. Thus the two groups put aside their differences, and although their wounds will take time to heal they will work together to achieve peace. Realizing the family ties Kyama, Belan, and Ayato have with eachother they have decided to join together and work towards making the Earth Kingdom a better place.

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