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The Earth Kingdom Declares War


The Earth Kingdom declares war on the Fire Nation "for the murder of Earth Monarch Belan." Though they claim innocence, the Fire Nation rises to meet the challenge; both sides exchange threats publicly, tensions are high.

Earth King Ayato:  

I have no words to describe the emotions I feel right now. After the Sandbender war of years past I had hoped to be free of any more needless death, but this hope was misplaced. This morning I was looking forward to an era of peace led by my brother and the newly crowned Fire Lord, but this dream was shattered today due to the Fire Nation’s betrayal. Fire Lord Liv, I looked forward to uniting our nations towards a common goal, but I now see that this was a facade for you to use in order to take advantage of us. My brother had inspired me to be optimistic about our world, but I now see that I was wrong to put trust and faith in the Fire Nation. Belan was an incredible monarch and aimed to bring peace to all nations. Now it is with unbearable grief that I take up the mantle of king and do my duty for my kingdom. Once I have justice only then will I be able to strive for peace. The Earth Kingdom hereby denounces the Fire Nation for the murder of Earth Monarch Belan.   Fire Lord Liv:   Ayato, I am shocked and saddened about the events and the death of your brother, but I assure you that my nation and I are not at fault for this and I am insulted that you would believe so. Yes it is true that Fire Nation wasn’t too keen on your conflict with the Water Tribe over the Swamp but in no way shape or form did we wish for Earth Monarch Belan’s demise. Your accusations towards the Fire Nation will not be ignored and I will hereby void any standing alliance our two nations once had. A tyrant is to blame for this terrible act, not my nation. I, Fire Lord Liv, hereby denounce the Earth Kingdom for their false accusations towards the Fire Nation.

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