Bestia Enclosures at the BBHG-HQ

What once started out as the garden around the guildhall, quickly became something probably nobody had expected - at least according to Seth.   Story snippet from "Hunters Headquarters"
After visiting Vaas room and not finding him there, Nero took a turn to the outside. There was only one place Vaas would visit, if he was not in his room and trying to get a nap. The way was long and the young hunter felt the pain in his legs and the healing wounds, but there was no way he would leave his mentor and friend without a talk and some good food. Even if he would have to walk for the rest of the day, following him all around the guild hall! But gladly there would be no need to do so.
  "There you are!" Vaas looked up and a small smile covered the old man's face.
"Don't tell me you walked all the way to meet me here? You could have waited until lunch."
The retired knight said, waving his hand.
  "Yes, yes. I know you would not skip any good meal, but I got the opportunity to let us have lunch without the annoyance of other people in the dining room."Nero walked towards his best friend, trying to cover up how much his current wounds caused him pain.
  "Oh? Now you woke my interest, young man!" 
Nero grinned and took a place beside Vaas on a wooden bench. The bench was situated in front of an outside cage, inhabiting the Gemini. A fiery hydra with - actually - five heads.
  "How are our friends doing?" he asked and reached Vaas some of the baked goods Myra gave him.
  The old man looked pleased and took a big bite, before he answered. 
  "They are doing fine. Seth thinks about keeping Gemini."
"Oh?" That are some amazing news." Keeping a creature was a big responsibility and also a big economic risk. 
"Yeah. After we freed Gemini last year from this insane brat of a prince, even Seth seems to have sympathy for the hydra. Unbelievable what this spoiled boy was doing to this creature."
Nero nodded. Someone could think that capturing and keeping a hydra in captivity would be insanely dangerous, but only if the lives of the servants you use for the creature matter to you. The prince, called Olevon, was the son of king Pralius and queen Nafita. Last year, they got the message of a concerned hunter, or more precisely, a spy, that the boy was about to lose control of the hydra. He was teasing them with fear and pain and tried to starve it, so it would adapt to his wishes ...without resistance. The hydra was really young when they found it and decided to bring it to the guild's headquarters. The creature was wounded and the mother was dead, but not killed by hunters. 
  "Do you think Seth feels guilty about his decision to give Gemini to Olevon?"Nero askes hesitantely.
Vaas nodded, chewing some baked goods. 
  "Yes. Yes, I do. But I understand his decision. He thought bringing them together while both are young would be a good idea to strengthen their bond. But now Gemini is in puberty and has only had awful experiences so far. We will see how this goes. I am glad that Seth stood up and freed Gemini, leaving him there would have been a death sentence, if not worse."
Nero agreed, and his view shifted to a young lady who entered the gigantic cage of Gemini. It was Lauriel, a young huntress and medic. She walked straight to Gemini, waving a hand and calling their names.
  "She gave all the heads unique names, huh?"Nero stated.
"Yup. And I would say all of them love her." Vaas voice was nothing but proud.
"That's good." Both nodded. 
  Gemini was laying in the middle of the area, enjoying the sun on their dark scales. The middle head waved his mane to greet Lauriel, and she laughed. While greeting the oldest one first, the other heads already tried to snuggle her. Big bro was not amused and growled deeply, so the other heads made space, but as always, the second born tried to argue. No chance. It was a real movie to watch, which is why Vaas liked to be here so much. Lauriel really had a hand for them. Both sat there for a bit longer, watching the hydra get a mane brush and scale care. So shiny.
  "You will come back, Vaas, I promise it."The crumbling fear in Neros words were coverd with a good portion of face confidence, but Vaas noticed it.
"I promise it."He replied.
"Alive. And in one part."Nero insisted.
Vaas raised his eyebrows, but he smiled. 
"Promised." The old knight nodded.

Purpose / Function

After Gemini became the first big creature at the headquarters, the guild had no choice but to think of a better solution than "parking" creatures inside of cowsheds, gardens or in the guild hall entrance. Seth decided it would be about time to give them a proper home, and so the guild purchased more land. Many buildings were demolished and reconstructed at a different place to make room for the enclosures. The landscape of the guild changed drastically - what once was crowded with buildings and shops, was no longer a wide open area with creature homes, many trees, garden areas and more. The entire shop section got its own marketplace area, while other buildings got stacked at more valuable areas. Seth made sure that the enclosures would be guarded day and night, making sure nothing could cause the creatures harm, and to see asap when their behavior changed. Looking after them was not only a new priority to ensure their safety, but also the safety of each person living at the HQ.


Nobody would probably expect guardians on the outside of a hydra enclosure, but there they are. Watching the crowds of people, instead of watching Gemini. Seth made sure to install various defense structures inside and outside the habitats, ensuring a solution in case of a hydra-sized rampage or people going to the extreme in trying to cause harm and chaos to the guild. There had been some incidents in which people from outside worshiped, for example, Capricorn, and tried to free the water creature, causing the habitat's glass walls to break. Little did they understand that Capricorn was not held hostage.  
This draconic sea creature has wings, if he wants to go, he can. Certainly, he does prefer to eat through my food reserves instead!
— Seth


Sometimes people from outside come to the HQ for errands they need to take care of, but over time, a small fraction decided to make visiting the growing creature collection also a task on their to-do list. Small food street shops were placed close to the enclosures, and people buying things made sure the guild could handle the rising living and treatment costs that naturally came with keeping the creatures.
Owning Organization


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