
As seen in
Ubi Concordia - Ibi Victoria
[Where we stand united, there will be victory]
    There are plenty of things to say, when asked what the BlackBestia-HuntingGuild exactly is, or does - but most often they are known to be 'the ones you call, when your enemy is plated in scales, equipped with poison, or spitting fire, burning your year's worth of crops'. Occasionally, they also save princesses, yes. But that ain't part of the daily business. It would be much too costly, and Seth would need to visit even more royal banquets and kindly decline marriage proposals, while dozens of spear tips are pointed at him. No, no, the headmaster of the guild, like his predecessor, focuses on the life of the people in the guild and those who seek their help, rather than dressing up fancy and throwing platitudes.   The BBHG is known to be the number one alliance when it comes to becoming a hunter or evolving a job talent that in some way touches the daily work of said hunters. Over time, the guild grew and more and more land was purchased. Today, over 65.000 are associated with the guild, and most of them are stationed at the guild's headquarters, causing Seth plenty of sleepless nights over resources and space-related questions.   In general, one might think, that with this size, many people would not be real hunters, but only doing legwork, yet the contrary is the case. With dozens of very dangerous bestias residing in the headquarters, each and every person who is not just walking through f.e for trading and information carriage has to undergo the same exact base education, resulting in a stable base level of skills in tracking, hunting, carrying for and keeping in check of bestias, all throughout the community of the Blacks. Many people are annoyed when it comes to mandated refresh courses, yet everyone holds a great deal of pride in being part of this guild - and also for their skills. You just need to visit some pubs and inns in other kingdoms and you will find hunters who got their names set in stone for helping out any damsel in distress or a farmer nearby, all while they oftentimes came for very different job tasks in said kingdom.  

Current locations:

The BBHG has operations all around Saigon, so they need to have hubs for their hunters all around the continent as well. There are very few kingdoms in which the BBHG does not have an officially operating cell - and in those that are aggressive towards the guild, you can count on sleeper cells as well as guild alliance operations between the BBHG and other shadow guilds like "Kingslayers", "Fogdancers", "Guilded Crows" and "Black Roses".

Diplomacy with other Kingdoms:

Diplomatic connections range from -100 = attack at sight; to +100 = Alliance


-100; If there is one kingdom to name that the BBHG would not offer help in the face of great despair, it would be this one. Aistírecam bluntly cut off the relationships with the BBHG after the latest king died and his son; Markinus the third, came to rule the empire. Markinus always had a personal hatred for Seth, after the guild's headmaster managed to convince the old king to set free some of his hunters in exchange for a few crystals, the old king so desperately wanted to get his hands on. Apparently they were meant to hold great healing powers, but Seth knew they would be worthless sh**, at least this is what Markinus imagines the situation to be. Madness runs wild in this royal family, but Markinus seems to be a competitor for his great-great-grandfather in terms of cruelty and aggression...  


+100; As the kingdom of great prosperity, basically being the "great golden granary of the empire", Altiyuu holds a very friendly and cooperating relationship with the guild - and likewise, the guild not only buys most of their crops and other food products from Altiyuus merchants, but also helps them with bestia problems of any kind. As a non-military, established kingdom, Altiyuu also counts on BBHGs man and weaponry in times of great conflict. Therefore, BBHG always has a sweet price and is the first to look at any inventions to reach the continent.  


+65; Azramud, one of the oldest kingdoms to this day, holds great pride in its people's abilities as hunters. Especially in terms of old rituals and behavioral creeds. Some even say that the very first hunters who joined the guild and made themselves known, would have been from Arzramud. Today, the desert folk wrinkle up a bit about the "new hunter generations that the BBHG is breeding," - yet they cannot deny the sheer success the guild is claiming, as well as their standing on the continent. You might be able to sit with them at a table in a pub and play some relaxed rounds of "Grogudan", and you also might be able to leave said pub with a dagger between your ribs. It all comes down to diplomacy, as Vaas always says. And not getting caught when you play with 'alternative rules' and 'flexible morals'.  


-50; BBHG does not support any of the current war decisions the kingdom of Bagjosa is enforcing upon its people and their neighboring kingdom. BBHG only operates in absolute emergencies that might impact the other nations too.  


+100; The Kingdom of Viola, queen of the hearts, is the matriarch of the only place that manages to bring the two religious camps of Chasers of the Sun and Chronologists of the Moon together under one roof. Born as the daughter of Myrne, a queen with great sense for development, prosperity and wealth, as well as a skilled negotiator and diplomat, Viola knows how important each aspect of the lives within her kingdom is, and so the union between the largest kingdom of Saigon, and the largest hunter guild of Saigon, is a must-have match. Viola entertains a close connection with Vaas, who once was one of her royal guards and close friend by now, as well as Seth and Dea, who she orders on regular bases to visit the kingdom for festivities and diplomatic exchange. All while she finds herself, at the latest in the middle of the night, giggling and snickering with Seth, aside the diplomatic tam-tam on such a said banquet that both of them despise for various reasons. Camulada provides the BBHG with resources such as skilled craftsman, armors and weapons, as well other things that might make their life easier. And who would not want to be friends with the largest kingdom on the continent?  


+/- 0; The continent fragment on the east side of Saigon is a place that you do not hold any connections towards, unless you are a cruel king who likes to financially support any kind of inhuman tests to see what the radiation of the Halorbis-Wall can still can do against you,...or for you. Dejukar is a prison colony. You send there those individuals who propose to be a security problem for other people. The circular structure in the midst of nowhere holds various people that the BBHG also had the unpleasant delight of coming into contact with.  


+50; The kingdom that should live in wealth and health, but is divided by two ruling kings and their different approaches to problems of the current time... Seth holds a deep friendship with both of them, as they had been on various missions together before he stepped into the footprints of the previous guild headmaster. Mostly products from the sea - and sea sized creature problems - are what comes from the kingdom to the left of Rivalon. But they also tend to share festivities, telling each other spiced-up stories about their heroic deeds, and in most cases, nobody starts a pub brawl. In most cases, ay.  


+/-0; There is nit much to say about this diplomatic relationship, since the kingdom of Hoari has fallen into a deep isolation. The continuous war with Azramud led to both kingdom's ruin in some way. And while Azramud still holds connections to other lands, Hoari has not taken the hit as lightly. Some scholars even mumble that their maps might be far outdated because no outsider is allowed to enter Hoari, whilst the residents are not seeking any connection with someone outside their own borders. Hence, nothing much to say here.  


+70; Living at one of the world's unfriendliest retreats, the people of Kara'Thé are known to provide shelter for individuals who managed to flee from the tyrants grip of Padunay. The kingdom right next to them has a hang on torturing their people and shows an unhealthy fixation on "clear draconic bloodlines". No need to state, that the BBHQ is supporting the leaders of Kara'Thé which are plenty, since the kingdom is ruled by clan chiefs. They learned the lesson to not host all your people in the same place, when your next door neighbor is a fanatic, mad-driven dragon king. Sadly, they learned it the hard way. From keeping people safe, to smuggling them into another kingdom, the chiefs do their best to provide an exit for everyone who makes it over the great wall. With the location, they are placed at and the surrounding kingdoms, they have to invest many resources and play with great risks to get those tormented souls out of the desert and savanna lands. An act of humanity, the BBHG supports without a second thought.  


+/-0; Not much to say about the state of islands. Scholars seem to like it there and study the people who live there, but so far, the BBHG had no involvement with them and therefore not much to say. Friend or foe? Unknown till today.  


+/-20; As home to the harpies and their covens, Madoshi and the BBHG are somewhat on neutral terms with each other. They do not stick their noses in the other's affairs, yet the BBHG respects the power of the covens, while the covens respect the bestias and the skilled hunters the BBHG has to offer. Both sides know that a conflict among them would probably lead to great loses, and at the end a winner might not even be clear. They trade, sometimes. They exchange wisdom, sometimes. But mostly, they try to avoid each other. Knowing that Eyrie, harpy queen of the howling abyss coven, is taking shelter at the BBHG, is still a painful thorn in the eye of Madoshis coven leaders - but trying to force her into coming back, ended with the one and only strength clash both sided needed to evaluate the situation. Seth would never, ever, let Eyrie fall back into the claws of her old coven, unless she asked it of him. And then we would meddle into personal relationship affairs that the guilds headmaster does not want me to tal-  


-50; The second party that is committing to the war situation in the lands above Camulada. Bagjoca and Magjoci, once kingdoms of the ice-born twins, now separated and shattered within, are kingdoms that fight over the last scraps of any carcass they can find. The land turned wild, and Seth has no intention of involving the guild for as long as possible. The Winterbiss, a magical-infused storm that terrorizes both kingdoms, and the creatures it is producing, are things that he has on his radar - but for the gods sake, he will not send any of his hunters on a suicide mission going into this territory.    


+/-100; - depending on the season; Depending on the current season, the merchants and travelers of Nagaro reach the BBHG and bring in items and resources of great value and interest. Yet, knowing that Nagaro is a continent that struggles heavily with weather conditions, a volcano, and beast problems, their merchants can become the hardest negotiators that Saigon has ever seen. Seth values their effort, but at certain times, their ruthless, demanding and kind of wild approach to trading, robs him of the last hour of sleep. At some point, the merchants' headmaster challenged Seth to a duel for the hand of Dea, whom he believes is "property of the guild master". It's needless to say that Seth did not have to challenge the merchant in a live-or-die duel, but had to stop Dea from coming at the poor man, who apparently still has to learn, that women in this kingdom have greater value than just being nice to look at, bearing children, or getting sacrificed for some otherworld gods. (Okay, yes, it also took Nero, Vaas and a few other guild members to stop her, - and no, it did not make the situation any better, as the merchant headmaster now praises the red haired warrior as a goddess and is even more eager to make her his wife... Can you already feel the headaches Seth has?)  


-100; If there is any kingdom that the BBHG has a fierce conflict with, it is the kingdom of the mad dragon king. Kill at first sight, ask questions later - yes, it is *that* bad. Seth took in multiple refugees who managed to flee from the merciless grasp of their king, and learned about the conditions they live in, the experiments, the unspeakable crimes the king commits - and the fanaticism and praise he gets from his followers. More like a kingdom-sized cult led by a mad person.  


+100; The little sister kingdom next to Aistírecam enjoys great protection from the hunter guild. What once started as an exchange for rune crystals and other things you would expect to find in the deep mines below Revi, turned into a long-lasting friendship between neighbors. But with the crumbling and quickly worsening political situation with Aistírecam, Seth had to position himself and the guild. And, if the question really is whether to protect people from another mad - driven king or not, there is no question. ( Padunay and Aistírecam share the same rivers? Something must be in the air in both kingdoms. (Or maybe they share relationships that are unknown so far?)  


+100; The home kingdom of the BBHG. Not much to say, but other than that, the guild emerged from the need for someone being skilled enough to take on bestias and monsters, and with their growing influence, the kingdom stepped back from trying to micromanage them, and let the people decide how big this community should get. The king of Rivalon is old, and some say that seeing his son Ragon step up for the guild when the guild was barely a little raid group, planted a seed of sympathy. Now the guild, and what they are growing into, are the only things that can remind him of the loss he suffered. He once was eager to marry his daughter Ophelia to the next guild headmaster that would emerge and take on the footprints of Ragon - but the best friend, Thyr, and second headmaster of the BBHG declined respectfully, knowing that Ragon always wanted to see Ophelia married to someone she truly loved. When Thyr fell ill from the poison of a Sar'Kai, Seth vowed to never let that wish get compromised . Nowadays, wondering whether it was the right decision or not, he looks back to that moment. But only until he remembers the emotional trouble that would come upon him, every time he had to explain to her that the guild cannot take in every bestia and try to save it by domesticating it. Not that there would not be enough hunters who try to pursue him into these decisions each and every time! If you hear carefully, the sigh of frustration can be heard all over the guilds' estate.  

Voa'O Zona

+/- ???; ??? Nobody goes there, and there are plenty of reasons for that - mainly because nobody returns.

The Blacks, the Black Market and Corruption:

For a few years, the prices for bestia materials became more expensive, which led to the guild's worth and prosperity. Sadly, the black market for bestia materials also grew, and while being busy maintaining a corruption free environment in the headquarters, Seth started working together with the Fogdancers, collecting information about corruption down the line of illegally hunted bestias, and selling materials. With their great involvement in the entire market structure regarding bestia resources, there is no sold item that does not cross the hands of a Blacks at the end. The guild invented their very own way of marking their products, which enables them - with the use of some green crystal light and a specific ink mixture - to mark their items. Not only does it give the guild a chance to regain stolen items, protect their rights at court, and fight off plagiary, they also started to counter-attack the corrupt structures in other marketplaces, working closely together with the enforcing structures of the particular kingdom.   The great reputation the guild has, made them not only stronger against such things like marketplace corruption, but also more prone to getting on the wrong foot of some banner lords or other elites/aristocrats. Especially in kingdoms that are going through a hard phase between their royals and the civilians, multiple political groups have tried to bribe judges and hire assassins to get rid of members of the BBHG. Without ever wanting to be part of the political landscape, Seth found himself and his consultants stuck in the very same vortex they tried to avoid so heavily. The more gold is involved, the more likely it is to get sucked into the playground of might, power, politics and people thinking they rule the world.   The organization within the BBHG that is fighting these structures of corruption is the "Obsidian Daggers". Or sometimes "Jumpers".


Example of work structure at the BB-HQ:

Guild Headmaster Seth → decided that the one hunter group needed to finally get new swords, he ordered 15 of them.
  Profession Guardians → Kiran, Guardian of the Blacksmiths → takes on the task and provides substantiated knowledge about what swords would suit the chosen hunter group best.
  Section Chiefs → Section Chief of Weaponry Gudan → He gets the instructions provided by Kiran and organizes the weekly work shift plan, as well as getting in contact with section chiefs from other professions, such as the rune weavers and the enchanters, to make sure they prepare fitting runes and sword shafts for the production.
  Group Catchers → Catchers Swords & Shields Toran, Kled, Rilo → They now supervise the production process and make sure that all groups have the materials they need to fulfill the work tasks within the established timeframe. They also make sure that everybody knows what they need to do and that questions, complaints, trouble of any kind and other things get solved quickly, easily, and without any havoc.
  Workers → Blacksmiths
"They should be glad I didn't call them chicken catchers."
— Seth; Guild Headmaster


The culture of the BBHG is pretty simple: You respect nature, nature respects you. You don't respect nature, we make you.   All hunters of the guild are aware of the fragile power balance that the creatures and nature around them share with each other. Simply taking one predator class out, because they became a problem to a nearby farmer, might cause trouble to arise with the creatures that once were their food. Population management and health control are crucial elements the guild needs to take care off.   Which is also reason why all hunters are choosen carefully and 'rotten apples' get not only expelled from the guild but also put on a blacklist, prohibiting them from selling any creature ressources. If you do not follow the laws, no matter wher ein Saigon you are, you can be sure they will track you down - since that is key skill of their pure existence. You cannot hide.   Also, even though the guild sometimes need to take down bestias, they are not pro-termination and try to avoid said meassures. Instead they oftentimes try their best to provide different solution - often also ending in the guild headmaster taking ressources from the guild to make it possible. Many farmers came in contact and later contract with the guild, because they had a bestia problem they could not solve, but also no money to hire hunters. In this case the entire guild has set up a money pot in which donations go for these type of cases. Many farmers later then decide to support the guild with their goods and produces, which lead over 20-30 years into a stablie, non-money-founded ressource chain the guild is living on.   At the BBHG everything is about teamwork and the spirit of all the stiations they managed to survive, as well as all the accomplishments they made together, has forget a strong and unbreakable alliance over time.

Public Agenda

The BBHG is a guild that dedicated their entire existence in solving creature related conflicts. They are the people you hire, if you need to get control over a rampaging draconic, or a dangerous toxic creature that lingers in your corn field. From tiny to gigantic, the hunters of this guild are skilled experts in their field. Over time the guild became so well known, respected and successfull, that they evolved into a town, instead of being part of one. The BBHG trains their own hunters, but also has places for other different prophesions. If you seek a workplace and like to be confronted with changing conditions, dangerous situations and creatures of all kinds - the BBHQ is your place to go.


Over time the BBHG became so successfull, that they established their very own town. They are working closely together with farmers from the nearby area, as well as they practise trading with other guilds and merchants. Since the guild also keeps some creatures, not only for taking care of them until they are back to their full health, but also because some of them cannot get put back into the wild nature, the guild collects and trades different creature ressources as well.

Demography and Population

45.000 people are living at the HQ; aproximately around 15.000 are stationed in other kingdoms, while 5.000 are on raids currently.


Entire Rivalon.


Any person living at the HQ is also a hunter and educated in conflict related skills. In the worst case the entire HQ can arm up.

Ranking of Raid Groups:

[rankings from top score to low score]

Apex-Raid Groups:

[OC] Obsidian Crowns
[VS] Voidfire Striders
[DD] Dancing Daggers
[FS] Flying Silverhawks
[FKS] Fk you this raidgroup name is already taken!!?

Professional Raid Groups:

[HC] Hopping Coppers
[DS] Devourers
[HC] Hell Crawlers
[BBS] Bears and Beers
[MM] Maidens Madness
[OOF] I can't do this anymore
[CB] Chunky Butchers
[NAH] Not your usual Raid Group

Established Raid Groups:

[BT] Bestia Tamers
[PEW] Struk by Aries Lightningbold
[FB] Firebreather-Chickendinners
[DG] Oh no, its a dragon
[DW] Dragons Wrath
[DL] Dragons Lair
[NOPE] Not a dragon-fan-club
[DAMN] I lost a bet
[CS] Crystal Screams
[PZ] Portal Zippers
[WDYM] What do you mean the rum is gone???
by Alka-Di-Kijarr
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
BB-HG; The Black Bestias;
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy

Legislative Body
Guild Headmaster
Judicial Body
The Keepers
Executive Body
The Crawlers
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Currently residing creatures at the Headuqarters:
Related Artworks:

Articles under BlackBestia-HuntingGuild


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