Bhuture - The rattling Omen

There are claims, that when you hear a rattling chain in the middle of the night, from outside of your home - you have a spectral gate-crasher in front of your house - the ghostly omen, or "Bhuture", as the most people know it from common fairy tales and myths.  


The myth says, that whenever a person is about to meet the edge of the despair they can hold, the "Bhuture" appears close to their residence. They bring the foreshadowing to someones death, or a greater loss that can easily flip the small life of a humanoid being upside down. Whilst it appears in a very horrifying visualization, the "Bhuture" does nothing else then sitting there and starring. Perhaps waiting? In all cases the spectral being vanished with the rising of the sun.


To this day the myth about the "Bhuture" is commonly spread, and especially in times of greater problems and people suffering from the current circumstances, you hear the tale echoing through the dark narrow alleys. People living close to each other apperently also caused the Omen to appear inside of their homes, if they live in cities.

Cultural Reception

Some older myths claim that the "Bhuture" has not always been a creature of negative omens, but has turned into one - so-called Devourer; feasting on the negative feelings a person can feel in confrontation with their biggest sorrow and despair. In times before the great wars and the The creation of the Halorbis-Wall - a planet divider, the Omen was rather a warning, giving people a foreshadowing, so that others could come together to protect the individual and give comfort in troublesome times. Nowadays, it appears especially in front of isolated, lonely and vulnerable people.

◘ - deep lore, known to nobody
♦ - core lore, GMs know about it
♠ - open lore, players know about it
Spoiler section: Summary & Classification:
Show spoiler
[◘]- Devourers change depending on what food they need to rely on. More negative emotions to feast on -> they will cause more negative emotions.
[♦]- Devourers are able to enhance the feelings they are feasting on
[♦]- Devourer feast on the emotions of any person - so they do on players
[♠]- Common people and players know about the Myth of the Buhtuhre

Cover image: by Alka-Di-Kijarr


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