Harpy [ Wairua Morph ]

Basic Information


There are different types of the Harpy, as well as a difference in the pre-bloodflight phenomorph and the post-bloodflight version. Once the ritual was created to safe the species overall [you can read more about it here: The Bloodflight Ritual], the ritual now serves as part of the transition from young adults to grown adults. Before the ritual, you will see a normal humanoid creature, that appears rather classic. Only some very Kahoré affine indivduals can sense the beast morph, that is stationed at the other dimension. After the blood flight, there will be different outcomes, based on
  • AO potential
  • Beast energy potential
  • Humanoid energy potential
The covens who use this, are unaware that these forms are pre-set, but belive them to be bound to the character and power of the individuals.  
The Harpy Babies:
Children, based on energetical structure and their wild mix of energy potentials, are turning into a specific form, in which the two morphs - humanoid and beast - rather merge, instead of replacing one another. This causes them to have a bird body, with a human face. Children who survive the ritual, are not able to grow or evolve anymore. That is why the only children who get to experience it, are those who have their life at stake, and need an urgend body transformation/replacement, in order to survive.  
The Soldiers:
These creatures are intelligent, but their speaking ability is limited, while their behavior is aggressive and territorial. Soldiers are those, who wield a 50/50 energetic mix of humanoid and beast energy. Often times their human body already shows some interesting abberations that give you a "beast like"-feeling, such as sharp features, a wild way of moving, risk-taking personalities with harsh aggressive types of communication. They are often already drawn towards jobs that need them to fight on default, such as guardians, soldiers, hunters and so on.  
The Kings and Queens:
These types of individuals are those who have a ratio more leaning towards humanoid energy potential. They are fully intelligent, able to wield weaver potential and overall behave like humans. Humans with wings and claws. Kings and Queens are able to reproduce, yet it takes a great energetic toll on the queen, which is why the king will provide for her in any shape or form, also taking over her duties in the coven. Most often kings group up to care for their queens, making sure every expecting queens needs are covered. Since they need to leave the coven often times to fight off enemies, or provide the coven with different special ressources, the queens then will get placed close to the Godwoken, who will watch them. It is said that the pressence of the godwoken eases pain, makes them fall asleep more easily and overall the pregnancy is a lot more bearable - and some rumors say even the children are about to be born with a higher AO potential.  
The Doomed Ones:
These creatures are said to be the ones who inhabit the worst characters of all. The ugly inside, will get turned outside, so that everyone shall see it with their own eyes, and blinding the people around them with honey-coated words and manipulation won't work anymore. Doomed harpies are those with higher beast potenial, which causes them to be often received as 'dangerous' or 'evil' personalities. Their egoism and will to take everyone out of their way who does not serve their mission, is deemed to be the first indication of a lingering doomed beast on the other side of the dimension walls. Oftentimes Doomed ones get executed, because of their autoaggressive towards everyone, but there are also covens who keep them. Their belive is that the souls are mislead and that they suffer in these forms from great regret about their humanoid lifes. Sometimes...they are also held as dangerous dungeon monsters or guardians. There are rumors out there, saying that a single coven is going as far, as to say that these are the real harpies and tthat they try to 'collect' such indivduals, worshipping them.  
The Godwoken:
The most powerful person with the most powerful beast morph. The individuals who turn into Godwokens inhabit great AO potentials, which enables them to wield this morph at all. In order to transmit into this form, the latest Godwoken of the coven will give them an energetic boost, coming from their very own life essence. They will die in this moment, enabling the new Godwoken to take their spot, connect with all other harpies in their coven and reign and rule their lands.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Harpy Baby: 1m-1,50m
Harpy Queen/King: 12m
Harpy Hybrid: 17m
Harpy Doomed: 15m
Harpy Godwoken: 25m

Average Intelligence

Harpy Baby: like toddler/young kid
Harpy Queen/King: average to intelligent human
Harpy Hybrid: average
Harpy Doomed: mad-driven, instinctive
Harpy Godwoken: ???
Scientific Name
Wairua Morph - morph by swap
Between 30 (hybrids) and 500 (godwoken) years. Hybrids could live longer, but they are often times soldiers. And living a very risky lifestyle seems to be their thing.
Average Height
Harpy Baby: 80cms
Harpy Queen/King: 2,10m-2,50m
Harpy Hybrid: 3,50m
Harpy Doomed: 6m
Harpy Godwoken: 12m
Related Organizations

Other related Artworks:

Harpy Babies
Harpy Soldier
Harpy Queen
Harpy Queen by Alka-Di-
Doomed Harpy
Doomed Harpy by Alka-Di-Kijarr
Doomed Harpy

Cover image: Animated World Cover


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