created by Alka-Di-Kijarr

"Welcome, Hunter! As I see, ya have arrived well at the gates of the BlackBestia-HuntingGuild! Good! We have a good bunch of new bounties on the blackboard, and Vaas could need your help as soon as you unpack. He was not clear about what he wanted you to help him with, but I am sure it is gigantic, probably toxic, but most likely angrily strolling the areas close to our headquarters! Oh, and don't forget to check in with Lauriel, she needs you to pick up some potions for poor Gemini, his newly growing head seems to have caught a bit of a cold. Anything else, pal? No? Good! Then get ya butt up and help the others! I will see ya tonight at the pub, Dea has announced she will bring some exciting news to share!" - Rudon, guardian at the east gate.
[This WA Wiki was started in July 2024 - if you find empty pages, come back soon for updates!]  
INZENTIA is a project I have been working on since 2008. It has kept me company during very difficult times and the characters in it mean a world to me - same as the lore that I pour my very heart into. Over the years INZ became so huge, and so vivid, that I could not proceed with my original decision to write a book series from it. When my friendcircle got me into Pen&Paper, I my heart caught fire for this type of playing together and exploring a world/story alongside my best friends.
  And with this, the idea was set in stone - INZENTIA will one day be an exploreable world for all of you. If you want to support my vision in creating the next big TTRPG universe, I would love to see you as a subscriber, hunter and/or member of my discord server! If you want to read more about the world, take a look [here!]
— yours, Alka-Di-Kijarr
  Hooked? Great! Then don't forget to become a reader and dive right into the following articles to grow your understanding of the world and all its beasts and people!
All works on this page are made by me, no Ai was used.
All concepts and artworks belong to ©INZENTIA/ ©Alka-Di-Kijarr /©INZ-Rebellion. All rights reserved.

Glimpses of Inzentia