7th Zendu Cloudracer Championship

A controversial cloudrace through an active volcanic region.

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  The cloudracer championships are a hugely celebrated sporting event in Zendu with teams training all year round and developing their arcane engineering skills to make the best cloudracers for the event. Aside from the fame and adoring fans, the huge cash prize pool and scholarship offers from the Academy of Arcane Sciences is an appealing incentive for aspiring racers to take part.   For qualifying races there's no barrier to entry aside from a registration fee and bringing your own cloudracer, so even skilled adolescent racers can go up against seasoned pilots. Physical and magical contact are prohibited between racers and their airships of course, but aside from that - anything goes.  

An unfair outcome

The 7th Zendu Cloudracer Championship was a highly controversial event that is still celebrated to this day (or complained about, depending on who you ask). The thrilling race took place in Varsel Peaks, an active volcanic region known for frequent venting of ash and small eruptions. The actively changing environment made racing conditions difficult and many of the trailing pilots were several minutes behind first place.   The bets were on two famous cloudracers: Barsal "The Bolt" (sporting bright orange colours) and Ordnil "The Arrow" (in sleek dark green). Each fought it out neck and neck throughout the entire race, right up until the last lap.   An unusual change in wind direction blew thick smoke conveniently across the race official's outpost just before a loud clang rung in the air. Amidst confusion, the newcomer going only by the name of Pace who had been tailing them both in third position soared across the finish line in first place as Barsal and Ordnil's cloudracers spun out of control.   Despite the boo-ing crowd, Pace took the trophy and was crowned champion. The race official was unable to find evidence of rule-breaking, but outraged fans soon began speculating at all of the possibilities. Was the crash an accident? Was it because of the smoke? Did Pace use wind magic to blow the smoke over the official's eyes? Was Barsal trying to bash Ordnil out of the way but it went wrong? Or was Ordnil trying to intimidate Barsal and that caused him to spin out?   No one has come to a conclusion as to what really happened during the 7th Zendu Cloudracer Championship, but the fans know who they wanted to win, which is why you'll see many orange and green airship memorabilia throughout the country to commemorate the event!
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Cover image: Zendu field by TJ Trewin


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Jul 8, 2024 12:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull


Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 8, 2024 14:32 by Simo

:O Scandal at the races... If anything goes except magical and physical contact, does it mean that if the wind was magical and caused the accident without directly pushing the other racers (for example by reducing the visibility in the racing field), that was fair game?

Jul 10, 2024 17:04 by Aster Blackwell

DRAMA. I love it. Also a creative use of the conflict template!

Aug 21, 2024 16:17 by Rin Garnett

Unless there's evidence otherwise, I'll happily assert that Pace did nothing wrong!

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