Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Brightfield Farmer

They're always looking out for us folk, whether it's with a bite to eat on a quiet day, or with a delivery of pumpkins we just don't know what to do with. We can't keep making pumpkin pies. It's like the year we had to make zucchini bread every day...
— Brightfield Resident
  The farmers of Brightfield are a hearty folk, fleetfooted and always hard at work tending fields, making deliveries, and ensuring that their neighbors are well fed. To be a farmer in Brightfield is to love and support your community, tending to local folk the same way one does a growing sprout.

Pumpkin Keepers

Brightfield farmers grow a wide variety of crops year-round, but are best known for the production of the pumpkins most beloved to the local anseni population.

No Missed Seasons

With their extensive uses in local cuisine and everyone's favorite pumpkin pies, it simply wouldn't do to have a shortage of pumpkins at any point throughout the year! It is this community need that Brightfield farmers ever endeavor to meet the demand of, no matter the time of year.   Many of these farmers are known to maintain greenhouses dedicated to the growth of pumpkins in the off-seasons, with certain greenhouses dedicated to different types of pumpkins better suited to different uses. The most notable of these pumpkin variants, the one that is said to make the best pumpkin pie ever, was cultivated by Farmer Emrys and their family.

Field Fashion

It's easy to tell who in Brightfield is a farmer by the way they dress. It's almost a staple in farmer fashion to wear a cozy neckerchief or scarf around the neck, or a stylish grasswoven hat... or both! Farmer hats are often adorned with flowers and sprouts tucked between the weaves of grass, or in ribbons wrapped around the hat band.   Splotches of grass and dirt stains are all but a guarantee on any farmer's clothing, no matter how clean they try to keep themselves. Brightfield farmers tend to enjoy tending to their farms by hand where possible, as opposed to using all of the fanciest tools on the market, and that dedication shows itself in their less-than-pristine appearance.

Sweetest Family

The greenhouse cultivating the beloved dessert pumpkin was constructed by Farmer Emrys's great-great-grandducky and has been maintained by each generation which followed — and is soon to be passed down to Emrys's own children!


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