Dread leather

These pants look so hot. They are made of dread leather…that’s why the price tag is scorching as well.
— One fashionista to another
This leather is created with the with the caps of the Dread mushrooms, regular fabric fibres and Ark. It’s a sturdy breathable material that looks like animal leather, but it’s vegan and biodegradable. While the material is very sturdy and resistant to damage and decay it can easily be degraded with a spell that releases it resistance. This material's resistance to degradation is also why dread mushrooms are used as a friendly and healthy conservation ingredient in many foods.  


When the Dragons created the settlement of Nessa on the destroyed planet of Areu, they went about exploring the area. They found a forest with creepy looking trees, which according to the documents kept in The Central Library on The Station were useless.   The dragons first tried to weed out the trees but it did not work. A couple of years after that a dragon named Yahoel figured out that the mushrooms growing on the trunks of these trees were edible and that the mushroom caps even had medicinal qualities. A couple of years after that another dragon named Adoel figured out how to make Dread leather. A very convenient material.  


This leather is used the same way as regular animal leather. However, in much smaller quantities as it appears that the Dreadearth tree can only grow on the planet of Areu. The dragons have tried to make the trees flourish on both The Station and on the neighbouring planet of Rant but have still not succeeded.   The leather is primarily used for high-end and expensive products, typically produced by small artisans or niche manufacturers. These exclusive items are highly sought after due to the rarity and the luxurious texture of the leather. Owners of clothing items made from this leather claim that they fit better and feel better than animal leather.


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