Dreadearth Forest

The forest is very eerie. I wouldn’t go there by myself if I didn’t have to for work.
— An Extractor to another.
This forest is located on the destroyed planet of Areu around 12 km from the only settlement on the planet, Nessa. The caves lies in between Nessa and the forest.  


This forest used to be a tiny 20x20 m forest between the caves and some vegetable fields. However after the destruction of Areu the forest started to grow. It is now around 64 x 50 km large.  


The forest contains the Dreadearth trees, slightly creepy looking trees that first were believed to be useless except for their bad wood. Now they are used as carriers for the dread mushrooms.   The ground is mostly moist but it does have some dry spots. There is no grass and the shrubbery is mostly dead and decaying. There are also rumors around in Nessa that this forest is where monsters and animals go to die. A large amount of monster ash as well as bones have been found in the area.  


Very little animals appear to live in this forest. Some insects, smaller mammals and a wild Pipika or two have been spotted as well. Though, it’s believed that this forest is only used as a crossroad to go to other places for foraging and hunting food as there is nothing in the forest to live off.  

Natural resources

The Dreadearth trees are harvested for their mushrooms. Other than that there aren’t that many resources. The trees can be used for wood but that wood is a hard sell if it is correctly labelled. Which some companies in the timber industry neglect to do.   There are some small companies that want the monster ashes and thus the Extractors gather some of it. The animal bones are also collected for some other companies.


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