Qilie Conservation

Aren't they soooo cute? Look at 'im in his natural habitat
— Ezzy
The Qilie is one out few species still living on the planet of Areu. The mission of this charity is to preserve the wild species on their original planet as well as the planet of Rant and help those who have tame qilies, or Liias as their tame cousins are called.  


Around 25 years ago the wild qilies were on the verge of going extinct. The situation caught the the attention of Ezzy Darling, a pretty new-up-and-coming 16 year old streaming celebrity. Ezzy established the charity named “Qilie Conservation”, determined to make a difference for the animals.   Although Ezzy’s fame helped attract some donations, sustaining the charity’s continuous effort required constant financial support. Fundraising campaigns, benefit concerts, and partnerships with corporations were launched, but the inconsistency of donations often hindered the progress of the charity in the beginning. But as Ezzy’s fame grew so did the public’s knowledge about the plight of the Qilie and the charity’s coffers.  


The charity has worked tirelessly to create protected reserves both on Areu and Rant. They have hired a group of private Extractors to protect the Qilie on Areu and do frequent visits to Rant to inspect the reserves over there.   The expansion to Rant presented additional challenges, including securing cross-planetary permits, navigating complex political landscapes, and adapting conservation strategies to Rant's unique environment. However this was one of the main things that Ezzy wanted to do to ensure their survival even if conditions on Areu became untenable.   When the Dragons settled on Areu 2554 years ago the Qilie was discovered and later became domesticated. During the latest couple of hundred years there have become a lot of different breeds and hybridization. The charity is currently campaigning for the government to put a stop to the ability to register new breeds and species with the genes of the Qilie.   The charity also provides educational resources, veterinary support, and training programs for pet owners. However, balancing the needs of wild and tame Qilies often led to ethical dilemmas and resource allocation issues.  

Notable Achievements

Despite the myriad challenges, Qilie Conservation has achieved several notable successes:  
  • Population Stabilization: The wild Qilie population on Areu has shown signs of stabilization, thanks to effective breeding programs and habitat protection efforts.
  • Universal Collaboration: The charity has forged partnerships with universal wildlife organizations to tackle conservation challenges on a universe scale.
  • Legislative Impact: Advocacy efforts have led to stricter wildlife protection laws on both Areu and Rant, contributing to a safer environment for Qilies.
  • Community Involvement: Increased community engagement and education programs have fostered a growing sense of responsibility among many populations.

  • Other charities

    Ezzy have also founded and am running a couple of other charities. Most of them involve the environment or conditions.


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