
Oh...I didn't know that you had tattoos...isn't that....unusual here?
Mar to Aeyd
Around 31% of the population on The Station have at least one tattoo. Around 95% of people with tattoos have their tattoos placed so clothes can hide them, as tattoos are controversial on The Station.  


Around 2500 years ago, a group arrived at The Station, claiming they needed a sanctuary. They had been chased from their planet. The Dragons, feeling a kinship with this group, allowed the group to settle in The Station. Most people in this group were heavily tattooed. The dragons were interested and tried it out. However, with their ability to shapeshift, the tattoos did not stay. They become an ink blub that later disappears after a couple of shifts. A couple of years later, the Dragons learned that the group of people were only using The Station as a way to traffic drugs and slaves. Their tattoos were organization related. Most of the group were banned from ever entering The Station again. After this, tattoos had a bad rep, and other people and species who settled down on The Station wearing tattoos were looked at sideways. There been more incidents like this but not on such a large scale as this incident.  


In modern times, there are still mostly only people from other planets, or people descended from people of other planets, who wear tattoos. However, some Dragons have learned how to keep their tattoos while shifting. Some of these dragons are even working as tattoo the horror of their parents and older relatives.  
...I work as a tattoo artist. I own a studio. What did you expect?
Aeyd to Mar


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