
Arriving on The Station has shown me that my discomfort with societal expectations is not a flaw within myself, but rather a reflection of a rigid culture. Here, I've discovered the freedom to express who I truly am, and it is both liberating and empowering. I hope to carry this newfound strength back home.
— Mar
  Mar’ahnhir is from the the planet of Rant and the kingdom of Regeis, he is a Spectera from the cultural group Saquron.   Mar is a renowned teacher in Essence manipulation, Ark magick and other magicks. It's unusual to be a teacher in more than one. Mar is currently a new exchange teacher living on The Station for a year.  


  Mar is a friendly, outgoing guy with many acquaintances but no close best friend. That’s how he likes it, both at home and now while living on The Station for a year.  
Ezzy is a person Mar met online while he lived on his home planet. Well, met is a bit of a strong word. Ezzy is a famous entertainer on a social media platform on The Station. When they were staying on the planet of Rant for a year to promote a nail polish brand, Mar ended up stumbling over the content that they had newly posted to the Rant local Internet and managed to interact with them online. Mar is excited to be able to visit a meet-and-greet event during his stay at The Station.   Rul is his closest friend on his home planet. They grew up together, but Mar wouldn’t really say that they are best friends. They aren't even that close, but they are the closest Mar has ever gotten to a best friend.   ʘakarilku is the first friend he made on The Station. They are coworkers and spend a lot of time together at work since they are close in age and are both very outgoing.   Aeyd is a new person that Mar has just met.    
Place of birth
Kingdom of Regeis
Current location
The Station
38 years


Mar has two very strict, highly educated parents. His two younger sisters and one older brother also have good educations and well-paying jobs. All three of them are married with children, but Mar isn't, and his parents are unhappy about it.   In Mar’s society, men are expected to marry a woman and bring children into the world. Mar wouldn’t mind children, but he’s uncomfortable with the first part. His parents and siblings' expectations on him to find a woman and marry make him uncomfortable in their presence.   Mar enjoys spending time with his nieces and nephews, who are still young children. However, society's expectations have started to seep into their thoughts and opinions, making Mar even more uncomfortable. This is why Mar has decided to take a break from everything and live at The Station for a year. After this year of rest he is planning on returning home and finally doing what his parents want... finding a woman to marry and live a traditional life with.
He/him, they/them
Sexual orientation
Romantic orientation


Mar is an average height for the male specimen of his species, which makes him a bit short among the Dragons. He has orange hair cut in a regular hairdo in his culture; it's a bit long now, though. His ears are round, like all the ears of the Spectera. His eyes are purple, which is also common for his species. He has wide shoulders and is slightly muscular because he enjoys training.   Like all people of the Saquron, a cultural group, Mar always wears a "scarf". This scarf is both physical and not. It's the manifistation of their magick and their Other shape. This "scarf" is invisible for those who have not learned how to use Essence magick at all.   While at home, he had to wear the clothes expected of him. He wore black dress pants, black shirts, black vests, and black dress jackets. Sometimes, they could have patterns, but not often. Since he had to wear these clothes, he didn't want to be expressive. He didn't want to be noticed.   Now, when he can wear what he wants, he wears corsets with patterns, stiped pirate-cut pants, and long shirts. Sometimes, the shirts even have lace. But that's only when he is trying to look fancy. He has also just started trying to learn how to paint his nails. He now also keeps his nails long, but he hasn't really learned how to care for them, though.  
Magick Teacher
Above average


Mar is an ambivert. He gains energy both from interacting with people and while being by himself. He does prefer spending time with people, though. However, since he doesn't dare to show his true self, he hasn't really made any deep friendships with anyone throughout his life.   After coming to The Station, he learns that he's not weird or broken—it's his society that is. There's nothing much he can do about it, though, since he is just one person and is currently not even home. But maybe when he returns home.  
Click here
Favorite food
Likes too many
Favorite color
Mint green & yellowish beige gold


Mar enjoys flowers and plants but has never had the chance to have a garden. As that's "too feminine for men" in his own culture. He is currently happy that he will get to use a small garden while he is visiting The Station. He also enjoys playing games, both on the tabletop and on the internet. As well as running, training, poking around with technical things, and studying magic.  

In media

Mar is one of the two main characters in a romance visual novel currently in development named "Mastermind".


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Jun 20, 2024 21:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love Mar and his scarf and I want him to be happy!

Jun 21, 2024 03:52 by Dragon

<3 He will be. :3 (thanks for your comments. <3)

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