The Extractor Organization

This organization is larger than I thought it would be...
— A visitor
This organization is run by the Government of Reki. The organization employs and educates Extractors which gather resources from the Monster-infested planet of Areu.   Not only does the organization gather resources, they also fight the infestations of monsters on the planet. They have tried to rid the planet completely but they have still not found the main base of the monsters. They are still always looking...  


When the Dragons settled on abandoned The Station over 2500 years they could live on the resources that they found left over there, but they knew that they couldn't do that forever. With the information they had found in The Central Library they decided to go to the planet that The Station was orbiting. When they landed they were attacked by monsters and had to flee back to The Station. Though, without any other outside help they had to settle on the planet.   The newly formed government set about putting together this organization. It is still run and funded by the government.  


The organization is run by a person that the government has selected and this person can also be removed by the government. This person is called the president they run the organization from the HQ on Nessa, the only settlement on the planet of Areu. This person has a vice president that is running the organization from the side of The Station, where the extractors are educated.   The current president is Madea and the vice president is Nightlily.   Below the president and the vice president are the generals. There are 5 generals currently and have been for most of the organizations life cycle.   Boel is the general of the Education unit. This unit is stationed on The Station and takes care of the education of new Extractors. They also organizes the protection of The Station and Areu together with the three main forces of protection. The Police, The Social Workers and The Enforcers.   Usiu is the general of the Scouting units. They are stationed on Nessa and are responsible for mapping out extraction zones and identifying monster threats.   Osun is the general of the Combat units. They are stationed on Nessa and specialize in dealing with monster encounters and ensuring safe extraction operations.   Hede'ruel is the general of the Removal units. They are stationed on Nessa and operate the machinery and conduct the actual extraction of resources.   Winter is the general of the Support units. They are stationed on Nessa and provide medical, logistical, and technical support to ensure smooth operations.    

Unit Structure

This is the unit structure for the Scouting, Combat, Removal and Support units. It's a little bit different for the Education unit. The Education unit contains different units of teachers and other personnel.   The smallest unit is that of the Teams, these usually contain 4 Extractors out of which one is a Team leader.   A Squad contains around 4 teams and is lead by a Sergeant, which the Team leaders reports to.   A Platoon consists of 4 Squads which is around 64 Extractors. A platoon is lead by a Lieutenant, which the Sergeants report to.   A Company consists of 4 Platoons and is lead by a Captain, and like for the other units the Lieutenants reports to the Captain.   A Battalion consists of 4 Companies, and is lead by a Major. The Captains reports to the Major of their Battalion.   A Brigade consists of 4 Battalions, and is lead by a Colonel. The Majors reports to the Colonel.   A Division consists of 4 Brigades and is lead by a Commander. The Colonels reports to the Commander.   A Corps consists of 4 Divisions and now we've come around to the beginning, the Corps are lead by a the General of the unit. The Corps of Scouting, Combat, Removal and Support consists of about 262 144 Extractors, give or take a couple people after every Monster attack and stacking of new recruits.


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