
The Eharu are a group of people, that have united under the name Eharu, meaning: 'Good humans' in dwarvish.  


The Eharu are trying to mend the difficult relationship between humans and the dwarves.   The motto: 'for blooming wheat and flowers' symbolises the how the humans brought wheat seeds, and tought the dwarves how to grow and harvest them. And how the dwarves believe that blooming flowers are the returning of their deceased.   They try to achieve this mission by setting up active trade relations with the dwarves, and helping them out by ways of information: where the Uharuka are planning to raid or attack. They also set up trade relations with the Uharuka, and are actively involved in trying to set up peace talks between the Uharuka and the dwarves.  


The Eharu are not a military organisation, and are commited to non-violence. However, since the Uharuka are an aggressive organisation in open war with the dwarves of Unem, the Eharu have to be prepared that the Uharuka might attack them as well. So their primary military strategy is maintaining good relations with both sides, but in addition to that they have created some lookouts and fortifications in Bloomingtown.


The Eharu are not a tightly run organisation. There is no strict hierarchy or leadership. Anyone who shares their sentiment and believes in their mission can join. The organisation can be diviced into three groups: The frontrunners, active members and passive supporters.   Frontrunners - There are currently 5 frontrunners, 2 of whom live in Bloomingtown, the others three live in small towns spread around Unem.   Active members are often travellers and merchants, as collecting information and trading is their main modus operandi.   Passive supporters are usually just people who live in small towns, flying the green and gold banner as a way to signal their support. They maintain close relations, and share information with the frontrunners and active members of the organisation.

For blooming wheat and flowers

Founding Date
Activist, Charity
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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