Enid Fili

The bowstring tensed, the feathers scratched her cheek. Then she relaxed, and said hi.

Enid counted her steps in the snow. 30 steps from the tall black tree with diagonal scratch marks towards the river. There should be a wild blackberry bush here. At least there was yesterday when she had buried her bow and arrow there. Fili Kádi aren't allowed to carry their own weapons until their coming-of-age celebration. But uncle Aric had given Enid his own bow and arrow years ago because she just couldn't keep her eyes off them and he never used them anyway. He was the one who taught her how to shoot. A wasn't the best bowman of their clan, but it was customary that the family would teach children how to use weapons until their coming of age at 20 years. After that, they could decide which skill they wanted to learn from the clan masters. And uncle Aric happened to be the only one in the family that could shoot with any accuracy at all. Her family was notoriously bad at using ranged weapons and preferred to resort to brute-force melee weapons. Enid wasn't very strong. But she was smart and nimble. And loved archery. In front of her, she saw the snow piling up higher than on the rest of the forest floor. She gave the pile of snow a kick and after the white cloud had settled again she saw prickly branches sticking out of the pile. She had found it. Not that it came as a big surprise, since she had used this hiding spot for the last 5 years, but it was a relief every single time. She knelt down, listening intently and scanning her surroundings one final time to make sure no one was following her. It was a big forest and their clans weren't particularly numerous, but still. She was alone. She carefully moved the branches aside with her long, nimble fingers. The beautifully adorned family braces protected her arms from the thorns. They were made of shieldbark, the black bark from corrupted trees, which is known worldwide as one of the best and toughest materials to make flexible shields from. It's also perfectly suitable for braces. After rooting around near the base of the bush her fingers had turned black and blue from the dirt and cold. The snowy dirt patches camouflaged her greyish yew bow perfectly. She dusted it off and slung her quiver over her shoulder. She felt goosebumps rush down her spine. She straightened her shoulders and a sparkle appeared in her eye.
  The subtle purple hue of the carvings would change to a bright violet when it detected or used magic.
Lawful Naive
Filinor forest
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Cover image: by nicemustangart


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