Eastern Territory

There’s a lot that could be said about the wild and almost lawless Eastern Territory. The Twisted Mountains of Othan, which separate the territory from the Unknown Wilds, also hides various different humanoid tribes including the nomadic kor, elusive goliath, and dangerous lizardfolk. The unique Dragonspire Forest stands out as one of the territory’s most compelling and mysterious features. The thriving city of Azzure is a beacon of progress that also hides the dangerous and untrustworthy. It is also rumored that the council member of the Eastern Territory, Lord Remus Brackett, has been keeping tabs on alleged magic user activity.


The Eastern Territory is largely made up of dense forests, unique mountain ranges and strange rock formations. The Kaermark, the kingdom’s largest forest aside from the mostly explored forest of the Unknown Wilds, stretches into the Eastern Territory. Near the shores of the Whispering Sea sits the Dragonspire; a jagged collection of seemingly broken mountains that jut out around the Destion River. To the north is the Wilds of Wolfsbane, a large collection of woodlands that have a really bad problem with dire wolves.
Included Organizations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization