House Brackett

The only human Great House of the modern age, House Brackett has had an interesting comeup. House Brackett holds dominion over the seat of power that is the Eastern Territory and their main city of power is Azzure, though they share the Eastern Territory with House Braithwaite's last descendent, Grayson Braithwaite.


Being one of the newer of the Great Houses, not a lot is known about House Brackett before the Great Hunger. In 2 AS (After Sovereign), King Peros Brimscale assembled the biggest houses left after the Culling. House Brackett only survived by their witt and paranoia with Gerald Brackett hiding his family in the abandoned town of Teal's Point in the Pealstones. Sucking up to King Peros, and contributing a ton of accumulated wealth, House Brackett secured their seat as a council member for the High Council of Novarre.

Steel Fast and Never Fold

Geopolitical, Great house
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