Noble High Council of Novarré

The Noble High Council of Novarré or the Sovereign Council acts under the authority of the king. Several large noble houses make up the high council and the houses rule over their own portion of their kingdoms in the territories. House Folnhir and House Brackett rule over the Eastern Territory, though Brackett holds more sway over political matters. Houses Greymark and Destell rule over the Western Territory. The Southern Territory is controlled by Houses Kragen and Kaydwen. The royal house of Brimscale rule over the Sovereign Territory and all of the kingdom.


The council is broken up into four sections of the realm with the noble houses ruling over them. House Brimscale stands strong as the ruling house. Pariah, a warforged created by Silversun, acts as hand of the king and oversees the rest of the council if the king cannot be bothered at the moment.

Public Agenda

The Sovereign Council's public goals and agenda are to better the kingdom and influence the spread of the Faith of the Sovereign. King Brimscale has made it his mission to keep the noble houses united and make sure the kingdom is ready for any other looming threat that comes its way.


The assets of the Sovereign Council are the Black Cloaks, elite soldiers devoted to serving the crown and kingdom. There are also the Autoguard who were created by Dr. Silversun to move the kingdom to a more technological age.


In 2 AS, after the departure of the Sovereign and the rebuilding of the kingdom, King Peros Brimscale gathers the last remaining noble houses of the realm to form the Sovereign Council. There was much spectulation as to whether or not the threat of the Hunger was gone or just quelled for now. House Hammerfell was no more and their cousin house Kaydwen did not wish to rule anymore. The giants and dragons had now shifted roles.
Founding Date
2 AS
Court, Noble
Alternative Names
Sovereign Council
Notable Members