
Novarus is a large continent situated between the Ocean of Dreams and the Great Sea of Lies. It is also connected to a subcontinent called Mareen. Novarus is divided between a southern and northern part of the country. The Northern part has largely been regarded as cursed and rarely has been explored. The southern part hosts the ever growing kingdom known as Novarre.


Novarus is a largely temperate continent with an arrange of unique biomes that call it home.In the Southern Territory lies the more tropical side of the continent with the hot Mareen Desert and the Vestian Wilds as well as the Sabrethicket; two of the only rainforests in the kingdom. Further east are rolling hills and vast plains in between large mountain ranges cut in between rivers. Large and unchanged forests blanket the continent reaching up into the Unknown Wilds.

Localized Phenomena

Although the spread of the Great Hunger is widely unknown, it is fact that the major event to kick it off was the single large meteor that crashed into the continent of Novarus.
Location under
Included Organizations