Adirondack Forest Wars | WBtV

Adirondack Forest Wars

There were a number of conflicts for the forests in the Adirondacks starting in the 16th century until the lumber industry largely stopped in the 20th century. These conflicts were carried out between various supernatural factions some supporting the dryads, some supporting simply fighting the supernatural and others fighting for the lumber industry for coin.   The first known lumber mill in the Adirondacks was constructed in 1764. There was very little backlash of the dryads in this early time as the dryads did not really die and were able to reincarnate. However, this started to change in the 1820s when the first boom of the lumber industry started where they completely erase entire forests and tracks of land obliterating many dryad forests. During this time many traditions and culturls of the dryads were completely erased. Many elders among the dryads found deep in the forests often standing there for hundreds of years were felled in this time. This created a lot of confusion, but also anger and eventually hatred among the dryads. At first they simply attempted to stop the loggers from working by causing accidents or trying to communicate with them. However, due to the Veil the largely human loggers would not realize what was going on and blamed the accidents on other things.   In 1831 was the first action where a grove of dryads realized that they would be next as the loggers readied their equipement. These dryads had heard many stories of destruction and horrific massacres and did not want to share the same fate. When the loggers came one morning to start cutting down the trees in their grove they and their neighbours came together and massacred all of the humans. This was the first time that the dryads took direct action against humans in this conflict. As the humans in this group had no idea what dryads are or could even really notice them, they were easily slaugthered.   This massacre is highly controversial among the dryads as many are pacificst and believe that this massacre was the trigger for the much larger conflict that followed. However, many dryads think the action was justified and consider it a catalist for dryad resistance against the lumber industry. After this massacre the Hunter's Guild sent a small group to investigate the incident who eventually figured out that it was the dryads. After this the hunter's guild increased the contingent of hunters in the region several times. At first focusing on killing dryads that killed humans, but also investigating any accidents. They then would go and identify the dryad trees and chop them down. In some cases just bruning down an entire forest to get rid of a particularly numerous and aggressive grove or forest of dryads. Over the years the hunters started to clash with other supernatural communities living in the Adirondacks. This lead to some of those communities supporting the dryads who realized that they could get allies in this way.   The conflict escalated until 1908 during one of the largest Adirondack Forest Fires during its history which is when all sides had realized that this had gone on too long and started to engage in reconciliation. The expansion of the Adirondack Park Agency and the forest preserve lead to more and more spaces that were save for the dryads. The dryads also organized themselves more with the founding of the Dryad Wilderness Federation of the Adirondack Mountains. With the help of human activists and supernatural communities they ensured that the dryad seeds would be carried to the protected forests over time.   During the 20th century there were still some conflicts and tragedies, but nothing as big as the massacres of the early 20th century.
Total Deaths
200'000+ dryads
1'000+ humans
2'000+ other supernaturals

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


Author's Notes

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