Phantom Division | WBtV

Phantom Division

A special division of the hunter's guild that is entirely made up of remnants. These are the souls of the hunters killed on duty. This division only recruits the best of the best or some hunters with special skills. All the recruits join the division after their final debrief.   To most hunters the Phantom Division is just a rumour. The intel they provide is always given out by the various intelligence services of the hunter's guild. They receive the intel from some trusted source that they cannot identify. Through this the secret of this division remains hidden. The true nature of the division is only known to the huntress, the guild masters, the members of the guild council, the specialists who conduct the final debriefs and the summoners, who act as handlers to enable communication with the agents. The summoners are also necessary to ensure that the remnant agents remain coherent enough to actually perform their duties.


The Phantom Division has the sole purpose of investigating mysteries and threats that living hunters are unable to uncover. The members of the division travel the world to explore and spy. Any information they gather can be relayed to the living with the help of summoners. These summoners are relatively rare which means most of them are the handlers of multiple division agents. This information is then forwarded to other divisions to eliminate any threats that were uncovered.   The secondary purpose is to preserve any knowledge that these hunters might have accumulated during their lives. This knowledge can then be recorded over the time that they server when they did not have time to write it down or share it with another while they were still alive.


The division is a divided into branches that operate all around the world. Each region acts largely independent of each other. They cooperate when necessary on larger missions.


The core positions that have to be filled for the operations of this division. There are other auxiliary positions of support staff that ensure that operations are smooth and without a problem.


The director leads the division. They make decisions on budget allocations, strategic goals and appointing branch leaders. The director is appointed by the guild master themselves. They have always filled the position with a senior hunter whom they can fully trust with such a clandestine operation. The director appoints a vice director who will take care of some of these tasks and take over in case the director is incapable of performing their duty.

Final Debrief Specialist

These specialists conduct the final debriefs for the hunter's that passed away and ultimately decide if they should be offered a position within the division. They of course follow certain standards, but their decisions are unlikely to be questioned. They are recruited from senior specialist hunters, who are experienced therapists, interviewers or interrogators. The recruitment is handled by the director themselves as this is an important decision.

Branch or Team Leader

A senior hunter responsible for managing the remannt handlers and their missions. They ensure that every mission is taken care of and report back to the director. In the European, North American and East Asian divisions the branch leader delegates some of their responsibilties to team leaders as they have the largest teams to run.

Remnant Handler

The summoners are responsible to communicate with the remnants. They are the only living beings who can properly interact with them. This is why they are the ones who give the mission briefs and debriefs. Then they hand off any collected intelligence to their team leaders. The abilities necessary for this position are rare. The division is always struggles to fill all the necessary posts to operate at full capacity. Almost all summoners currently working for the Phantom Division are the children of summoners who worked for the division as well. It usually goes back several generations as the summoners are honoured by the guild, well paid and protected.

Field Officer

The remnants are field officers. They conduct the missions of the division. Everyone else is here to ensure that these officers are effective and successful.


The phantom division is organized in nine branches around the world. Each branch has a base of operations and covers a territory. Together they cover the entire planet. This ensures that there is never a question of responsibility when a mission comes up. It is possible for one branch to request the support of another branch if they cannot deal with a threat or are out of operatives to send on a mission.


The oldest and largest of all the branches. They cover all of Europe, including Turkey, the Caucasus and to the Ural mountains range, most the Mediterranean and the Northern Atlantic. Their main base of operations is located in Milan. This branch manages all the remnants that are are not able to work as field officers, but still have useful intelligence to share from their lifes.

North America

This branch handles any missions taking place in the Arctic Region, North America, parts of Central America and the Caribbean. This spread is easily covered as most activities that require the support of the division take place in the United States. Their base of operations is located in Manhattan.

Other Branches

The other branches cover the rest of world between each other. They are located in Southern America (Rio de Janeiro), Africa (Kisumu City), Middle East (Jerusalem), Central and Northern Asia (Ulaanbaatar), Eastern Asia (HongKong), Southern Asia (Chittagong) and the Pacific (Auckland).
Parent Organization
Hunter's Guild
Parent Organization

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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