Grand Army of the Nine Hells

Whilst the heroes journey across the material plane, unholy creatures fight battles of their own deep below.   Mars witnessed the Death of Saturn first-hand during negotiations of a trade agreement between their realms. Nemesis-Eternal slew the god after a violent duel that tore the demiplane they were on apart. Mars narrowly escaped, but not before vowing to Saturn to avenge him.   Mars journeyed to Hell in search of the most violent revenge he could muster. He assembled a strike force of great warriors to follow Nemesis-Eternal and kill her.   Before leaving, saw a vision of the future, and ordered his only son, Vulcan, to assemble an army greater than any before, and prepare to march on Nemesis-Eternal, should he fail in his mission.   This army would be known as the 2nd Unholy Alliance, and true to Mars' word, it would be the greatest army ever formed.   It's reign was short however, as Nemesis-Eternal strook out against Heaven next. Despite their disagreements, and fundamental opposition, Hell was quick to Heaven's aid. It's one thing to fight amongst themselves, but an existential threat to both realms could not be allowed to stand.   The 2nd Unholy Alliance marched through Abaddon's Gate to Heaven, and mounted a defence alongside the forces of Heaven. The battle raged for five weeks, the Alliance losing ground slowly each day to the ever-growing army of Nemesis-Eternal. Vulcan called for reinforcements, ordering his minions to command cults across the material plane to begin mass-sacrifice to bolster the Alliance's numbers.   But this would not help, and so the Alliance retreated across the Immaterum and back through Abaddon's Gate, sealing it behind them. Since then, Hell has been preparing for total war. Torture has been ceased, all condemned souls have been given conditional freedom, so long as they fight for it. A reference contract for the release of prisoners is available.   Across every layer of Hell, trenches have been dug, fortifications built, and forges of old relit.



As of 6E 4302, the total combined force of the Grand Army numbers approximately 8,500,000 soldiers. In addition, the Army commands over 3 million support staff.


The Grand Army's fighting force is equipped with a range of technologies. At the top level of this lies the peak of technological advancements from the late fifth era, and at the low-end: ranks of almost medieval infantry.


As of 6E 4302, the Grand Army is fielding the following vehicles:  


M1A5 Abrams x500


F35 x100 C-17 Globemaster x300 F-16 x600


2,500,000 0 Undead
750,000 4500 Possessed
150,000 250 Infernal Legionnaires
5,000 34 Vulcan's Chosen


336 26 M2A1 Callahan Main Battle Tanks
63 9 F/A-18 Gauntlet Air Superiority Fighters
83 12 UH-60 Nightwing Transport Helicopters
Overall training Level