The Golden Oasis

The Golden Oasis is a dingy and run-down inn and tavern located on the outer walls of the city of Dim Hollow. Despite its inviting name, the Golden Oasis is a far cry from the luxurious paradise it suggests. The tavern is dimly lit and poorly maintained, with rickety tables and chairs, and a musty smell that seems to permeate everything.   Despite its shabby appearance, the Golden Oasis is a popular spot for travellers and locals alike. It is known for its cheap prices and its rough, no-nonsense atmosphere. The Tavern is run by a gruff and unpleasant proprietor, who is rumoured to have ties to the criminal underworld. The drinks served at the Golden Oasis are watered-down and of questionable quality, but many patrons come for the cheap prices and the chance to drink and socialize with others.   The Golden Oasis has a reputation for attracting a rough crowd, and fights and other disturbances are not uncommon. It is not the most reputable establishment, but it serves a purpose for those who are looking for a cheap place to drink and socialize.