Dim Hollow

Dim Hollow is a fortified town in the far north of the The Kingdom of the Last Men. It is home to several notable locations and institutions, such as the Imperial Mage's College and the Fighter's Guild.


The population of Dim Hollow is mostly men, with only a tenth of the town being dwarf, followed by a twentieth being other races. However, the men of Dim Hollow are distinct from their southern counterparts, and have taken heavy inspiration from dwarven culture over the milleniea. They are a proud and rigid culture, and weary of outsiders. From a young age, children are taught the importance of strength in numbers, that they can only survive in the far north if they stick together.    This has inspired a strong culture of sharing, and a partial regression to a gift/barter system of trade, over the currency-trade of the south.    There is little class inequality in Dim Hollow, and most enjoy a relatively comfortable life - if a little cold.


Dim Hollow is ruled by Balmund Whitemane, from Greycloak Fortress.


The town is heavily fortified, with walls standing over two hundred feet in some stretches of the outer-wall. Three layers of walls and towers encase the central Citadel District, each designed to slow a potential attacker down by routing them through twists and turns, leading them to a "kill box" near the Citadel Gatehouse.    The walls have crenelations facing only outwards, and many machicolations near entryways and potential ladder-climbing spots.


The Commons

Dim Hollow is an ancient city, with a long and storied history that is reflected in its weathered streets and grim architecture. Here are a few locations of interest on the outer levels of the city:   The Great Market of Dim Hollow: Located on the city's lower levels, the Great Market is a sprawling bazaar filled with ramshackle stalls and dark alleys. Here, merchants and traders from all corners of the The Kingdom of the Last Men come to sell their wares, ranging from exotic spices and rare magical components to handmade crafts and practical everyday goods.   The Golden Oasis: This inn and tavern is located on the city's outer walls and is a popular spot for travellers and locals alike. Despite its inviting name, the Golden Oasis is a dingy and run-down establishment, with a reputation for serving watered-down drinks and attracting a rough crowd.   The Temple of the Sun: This grand temple is located on the city's eastern walls and is dedicated to the worship of the sun deity, Sol. The temple is a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists, but it is a grim and austere place, with strict rules and harsh punishments for those who fail to follow them.   The Arcane Quarter: Located in the northern part of the city, the Arcane Quarter is home to many of the city's magic shops and arcane supply stores. It is a popular destination for students of the Imperial Mage's College and other practitioners of magic, but it is also a place of danger and mystery, with dark alleys and hidden dangers lurking at every turn.  


The mid-level of Dim Hollow is a grim and ancient place, with narrow streets and old, crumbling buildings. It is a place that has seen better days, but it is still home to a number of interesting locations:   The Forge of the Anvil-Bearers: Located in the heart of the mid-level, the Forge of the Anvil-Bearers is a thriving community of craftsmen who produce weapons, armor, and other metal goods for the city and beyond. The forge is a busy and noisy place, with the sound of hammering and the smell of hot metal filling the air.   The Cup of the Drunken God: This is a popular Tavern located in a rough and dangerous part of the mid-level. The Cup of the Drunken God is known for its cheap prices and strong drink, and it attracts a rough and rowdy crowd.   The Shrine of the Lady of the Night: This ancient temple is dedicated to the worship of the moon deity, Luna. It is a shadowy and mysterious place, with a reputation for practicing dark and forbidden arts.   The Spire of the Arcane: This tall and imposing tower is the home of a powerful wizard who is said to possess ancient and forbidden knowledge. The spire is surrounded by a moat and guarded by fierce magical beasts, and few dare to approach it.   The Den of the Shadowed Blades: This is a secret and shadowy organization that operates in the shadows of the mid-level. It is made up of thieves, smugglers, and other nefarious individuals, and it is rumoured to have connections to powerful figures in the city.  

Upper Level

The upper level of Dim Hollow is the oldest and most ancient part of the city, with narrow streets and ancient buildings that have stood for centuries. This part of the city has a rich history and is home to many important and interesting locations:   Imperial Mage's College: This is a prestigious institution of higher learning dedicated to the study of magic and the arcane arts. It is located in the heart of the upper level and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and ornate buildings.   Greycloak Fortress: This is the seat of power in Dim Hollow, home to the city's rulers and their court. The fortress is a grand and imposing structure, with high walls and ornate gates. It is guarded by a well-trained guard corps and is a symbol of the city's steadfast hold against the cold.   The Great Library: This is a vast and ancient library, home to thousands of books and scrolls on a wide variety of subjects. It is a place of learning and research, and is a popular destination for scholars and intellectuals.   The Graveyard of the Dead: This ancient cemetery is located on the outskirts of the upper level, and is home to the graves of many of the city's most famous and influential citizens. It is a place of great history and mystery, and is said to be haunted by the ghosts of the dead.   Arena of the Champions: This is a grand and impressive stadium located in the heart of the upper level. It is a popular destination for entertainment and spectacle, and is home to gladiatorial games, sporting events, and other public entertainments. The Arena is a place of great pride for the citizens of Dim Hollow, and it is a symbol of their strength and courage.
Taken from The Pocket Guide to Iserlohn by YR.
Founding Date
6E 2449
Large town
Location under

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