Tower Salix

Tower Salix is the historic home of House Willow and subsequent base of operations for the Alliance of the Dawn in the years following The War for the Last Light. The tower, dedicated in the memory of Lucrecia Willow, is considered to be one of the tallest man-made structures still standing after the year 0 6E.    Standing at over 300 metres tall, Tower Salix hosts almost 100 floors, separated into several sectors for different purposes. The tower, however, is merely a defensive structure through which to access the massive underground complex below.    The structure is currently under the supervision of the ancilla Fleeting Caution. He reluctantly acts as custodian of the structure, and will assist or interfere with any trespassers depending on their intentions.

Purpose / Function

Tower Salix was built to be the


The structure has undergone little decay in the milleniea it has spent uninhabited, however, great swathes of the tower have been reclaimed by snow and ice.


Built in the ancient Gothic style with elements taken from ancient brutalism, on top of Mount Salix, the tower imposes itself on the surrounding valleys and mountains, ever-present and ever-watching.
Parent Location
Owning Organization