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Outer Rim: Summary


The Outer Rim Territories, simply known as the Outer Rim and alternatively called the Outer Rim Systems, were located outside the Mid Rim. The Outer Rim was the least widely settled and explored expanse of the galaxy before Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. The largest region in the galaxy, it was strewn with diverse worlds, and rugged, primitive frontier planets.


Pre-Republic era 25,000 bby - 7,000 bby

For much of galactic history, little was known about the history and cultures of the Outer Rim until the formation of the Galactic Republic in 25,053 BBY. During this period, the Gree Enclave reached its apex while the reptilian Kwa developed the Infinity Gates which allowed them to teleport between worlds. Between 30,000 to 25,200 BBY, the far-reaching Rakatan Infinite Empire ruled a number of Outer Rim worlds including Tatooine, Dantooine and Honoghr. By the dawn of the Republic, these civilizations had faded into history and little remained of their former power.

The Old Republic Era 7,000 bby - 4,000 bby (birth of the Sith)

The Outer Rim was then to be a section of the galaxy hotly contested between two force based religions, all begining with a schism in the Jedi order. At the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness in 6900 BBY, several Dark Jedi were defeated at Corbos and banished into the uncharted expanses of the Outer Rim. The Jedi exiles fled to the remote world of Korriban. After conquering it, they interbred with the native Sith species and began a long period of building and expansion. The Sith Empire developed in complete isolation in the Outer Rim for two thousand years before it eventually rediscovered the Republic. Under the Sith Lord Naga Sadow, the Empire invaded Republic space in 5000 BBY, during the Great Hyperspace War, but it was defeated. The Sith Empire was believed to have been destroyed by Republic forces during the Second battle of Korriban, but in fact survived due to a single Sith Lord who escaped to the Unknown Regions. There, this new Sith Emperor, whose rule lasted for well over a thousand years, rebuilt the Sith Empire in preparation for a Great Galactic War against the Republic. With the Sith threat apparently vanquished, the Republic continued exploring and colonizing worlds in the Outer Rim. In 4800 BBY, the spice ryll was discovered on the Outer Rim world of Ryloth, home of the humanoid Twi'lek species. However, the Neimoidians seized exclusive distribution rights to the spice and sold them to the newly discovered Porporite species. Unfortunately, the spice drove them into a homicidal frenzy. Terrified, the Neimoidians hired several Gank mercenaries to protect them. Instead, the Ganks exterminated the Porporites and then embarked on a full-scale war against the Republic, but were eventually put down by the Jedi. Around 4000 BBY, the Mon Calamari and Quarren species of watery Dac were discovered though its inhabitants had already been exploring nearby star systems for several years. During the Old Republic era, the Outer Rim had several remote, scarcely populated planets that included expensive resort worlds for rich tourists, ruined settlements and, it was rumored, hideouts for the Black Sun, the Hutts and several outlaws. The Outer Rim Oreworks corporation used its exploratory branch to search useful planets that the corporation could settle and exploit.

The Mandalorian Wars and Aftermath 4,000 bby - 2,000 bby

During the Mandalorian Wars (3976-3960 BBY), the Mandalorians chose the Outer Rim to begin their campaign against the Galactic Republic. In 3976 BBY, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders under Mandalore the Ultimate embarked on a campaign of conquest along the Outer Rim Territories, on the edge of Republic space. Conquering worlds as varied as Althir III and Cathar, the Neo-Crusaders had carved out a clan territory larger that the space ruled by the Hutts in less than a decade. Weakened by the Sith War, the Republic and the Jedi Council refused to intervene at first. In 3963 BBY, the Mandalorians invaded the Galactic Republic proper, forcing the Republic to enter the war. In defiance of the Jedi Council, the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak led the Republic Navy in a fierce counter-offensive against the Neo-Crusaders, winning key battles at Taris, Jaga's Cluster and Althir. During the cataclysmic battle of Malachor V, much of the Mandalorian fleet was destroyed and the planet was fractured to the core. Defeated, the Mandalorians capitulated and destroyed their weapons and armor. In 3960 BBY, during the Jedi Civil War, Telos IV was devastated by a Sith fleet under the command of the renegade Jedi-turned-Sith Lord Malak and former Republic Admiral Saul Karath. Later, in 3956 BBY, Sith forces leveled the surface of Taris, destroying the world-spanning city and killing billions. By 3950 BBY, much of the Rim had fallen into chaos as a result of infighting amongst the various surviving Sith warlords. Thus, the Republic was able to reclaim much of the Rim that had been under Sith control since the Great Sith War. By 3653 BBY, the Republic had been driven back to the Core Worlds, leaving the Sith in control of much of the Rim. Following the Sacking of Coruscant, the Republic was forced to give up many outlying systems to the Sith in the punitive Treaty of Coruscant. The end of the Great War set the stage for a Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Republic in the years that followed. This cold war saw a number of border skirmishes and proxy wars, pushing the two superpowers to the brink of another war.

The New Sith Wars 2,000 bby - 1,000 bby

In 2000 BBY, the Republic once more faced the menace of the Sith in the New Sith. Over the centuries, the Republic continuously fought various Sith factions across the galaxy including the Rim. The losses for the Republic were so catastrophic that a dark age began in 1100 BBY, with widespread social unrest and economic collapse. The collapse of the HoloNet and interstellar commerce precipitated a breakdown in communication and trade between the Core and the Rim. The Republic itself shrank to a mere rump state surrounding the Core Worlds, with the Sith Empire encompassing virtually the rest of the entire galaxy. The Jedi took over absolute authority, ruling the remainder of the Republic directly. In 1000 BBY, the Sith were finally defeated at Ruusan in the Mid Rim although much of the galaxy was left scarred and devastated by the attrition warfare. Tensions still lingered between inhabitants of the Outer Rim and the Core Worlds due to the former's perceived exploitation by the latter, as in the case of Apatros which was controlled by the Outer Rim Oreworks company. Both the Republic and the Sith sought to exploit the labor and resources of many Rimward worlds. Taking advantage of regional tensions, the Sith enticed many Rim inhabitants into their military forces and the Sith order.
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