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The name Tatooine was coined from the Jawa name for the planet, Tah-doo-Een-e. Tatooine was once a lush world that had large oceans and a world-spanning jungle inhabited by the native and technologically advanced Kumumgah. Against the elders' wishes they colonized nearby star systems but this drew the attention of the Rakata. In 25,793 BBY, the Rakatan Infinite Empire invaded the planet, conquered and enslaved its native inhabitants and then abducted many to their other conquered worlds. After a terrible plague weakened the Rakata, the Kumumgah eventually rebelled and managed to drive the Rakata off the planet. In response the Rakata subjected the planet to an orbital bombardment that "glassed" (that is, fused the silica in the soil into glass, which then broke up over time into sand) the planet and boiled its oceans away. To survive the bombardment, the Kumumgah retreated to subterranean shelters they had constructed, and were forced to live out many generations below the planets surface. This caused a degeneration for the Kumumgah as a species, splitting them into two races: the Ghorfas (sand people) and the Jawas.
Fierce battles occurred in the skies above the planet around 5000 BBY. The fights scattered the surface of wrecks that quickly disappeared under the sands. Tatooine was first settled by miners around 4200 BBY. They established a village that would become Anchorhead. The planet was later represented in the Galactic Senate by Sidrona Diath but it was eventually abandoned by the Republic. During the Great Hunt, the planet was cleansed of terentatek by the Jedi.
Although Tatooine was deemed not worth conquering by the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars, a group of Mandalorian exiles settled on Tatooine after the war, although their fate was never known.
At the time of the Jedi Civil War, the planet was practically controlled by the Czerka Corporation. They were attempting to mine ores from Tatooine, although they soon discovered the ores had strange magnetic properties which made the metal corrode very fast and thus useless for production. Czerka's mining involvement in the Anchorhead settlement proved fruitless, and the company began Czerka's Secret Weapons division on the planet, due to no restrictions from the Republic. Sometime between Revan's visit and 3641 BBY, Czerka completely pulled out of Anchorhead, abandoning the Secret Weapons complex. Authority on the world had an extreme informal control by disorganized criminals, but they were later united by a group of dissidents, who called themselves the Hutt Cartel. The Republic had yet again began to use the planet for a supply stop. During the Cold War, the Sith Empire also set up a small outpost near Anchorhead in an effort to discover the secrets of the Czerka Secret Weapons division.
The B'omarr Order built a monastery on the planet in 700 BBY which the bandit Alkhara, who worked for the Bureau of Ethnicity and Socialization, used as a hideout in 550 BBY. Shortly thereafter, in 516 BBY, the notorious Jabba the Hutt chased Alkhara out of his citadel of operations and claimed the B'omarr Monastery for his personal palace and made it the center of his empire.
In 100 BBY, the Dowager Queen crashed on the planet at the site where Mos Eisley was later built. The crash survivors were Humans from Bestine IV, who established Bestine, the capital of Tatooine, and made first contact with the Jawas. Shortly thereafter, colonists founded Fort Tusken, which was wiped out by Sand People (Ghorfas) five years after its establishment. From that point on the Humans and other species referred to the Sand People as the "Tusken Raiders." Anchorhead was then re-inhabited in 93 BBY. Mos Eisley was settled by Humans and Rodians in 85 BBY and Mos Espa was settled in 80 BBY.


Tatooine is thought to have been one of the oldest planets in known space and was composed of a molten core with a rocky mantle and silicate rock crust. Other notable geological features included the Dune Sea, an enormous sodium-rich desert; Mushroom Mesa, a vast formation of giant standing stones; and the Jundland Wastes, a rocky region. There was a settlers' saying that one's eyes burn out faster by staring straight and hard at sun-scorched flatlands than by looking directly at the suns.
Tatooine orbited twin suns, Tatoo I and Tatoo II. The whole planet was covered in harsh deserts, and only a small part of its northern hemisphere could sustain intelligent life. The landscape was covered with sand dunes, mountains, and canyons, which made traversing the planet very difficult. Due to the absence of surface water, those who lived on Tatooine had to draw moisture through the dry air.

Fauna & Flora

Inhabiting the planet were many native species, the largest of which were the carnivorous krayt dragons. The common krayt dragon, while more plentiful, was shadowed by the greater krayt dragon, which submerged itself under the shifting sands and used its powerful limbs to swim through the dunes. In addition, the common bantha and eopie species also found a home on the world, along with dewbacks, rontos, womp rats, massiffs and scurriers.[1][2]

Natural Resources

Tatooine was once a lush world that had large oceans and a world-spanning jungle.
At the time of the Jedi Civil War, the planet was practically controlled by the Czerka Corporation. They were attempting to mine ores from Tatooine, although they soon discovered the ores had strange magnetic properties which made the metal corrode very fast and thus useless for production. Czerka's mining involvement in the Anchorhead settlement proved fruitless, and the company began Czerka's Secret Weapons division on the planet, due to no restrictions from the Republic.
The Corellia Mining Corporation brought many digger crawlers to the planet, but abandoned it, as did the Republic for all intents and purposes, in 70 BBY, when the orbital station Tatoo III crashed, revealing the unstable nature of the local ores from which it had been constructed. The abandoned crawlers radically changed Jawa civilization, serving as mobile fortresses for Jawa tribes searching the deserts for materials to scavenge.
Planetoid / Moon
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