The Galaxy
The galaxy is one of trillions of galaxies in the observable universe. The galaxy is a vast composite of what is estimated to be over 400 billion stars, with over 3.2 billion habitable systems, orbiting around a supermassive black hole at the heart of the galaxy. The four galactic arms rotated around this black hole across a diameter of around 120,000 light-years. It was home to countless sentient species and star systems.
The Galaxy is separated into regions of explored space. The regions are subdivided into sectors and then star systems which contained planets. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, oversectors were created and were composed of several sectors ruled by a Grand Moff. Notable sectors/autonomous regions included the Arkanis sector, Bothan Space, Centrality, Corporate Sector, Gordian Reach, Greater Javin, Hapes Consortium, Hutt Space, Mandalorian Space, Moddell sector, Senex-Juvex, Tion Cluster, and Western Reaches.
The Standard Galactic Grid was used to give the location of a galactic point in grid coordinates. Areas of the galactic disk could be referred to as the galactic north, south, east and west. Notable points of interest were the fifty wonders of the Core Worlds, thirty wonders of the Mid Rim Territories and the twenty-five wonders of the Outer Rim Territories.