Lady Linnea Waters

Name: Linnea   House: Targaryen (Bastard)   Age: 6   Titles: Lady, Dragonseed   Father: King Valarion Targaryen   Mother: Lady Elara Blackwood   Spouse: None   Children: None   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography     Early Childhood   Born from the enigmatic union between King Valarion Targaryen and Lady Elara Blackwood, Lady Linnea Waters graced the world as a testament to the intricate threads of fate that wove her family's history. Her birth brought a new chapter to the ongoing saga of House Targaryen.     Present Day   Linnea's formative years echo those of her elder brother, Syraphon Waters. Sheltered within a luxuriously appointed walled estate nestled in the heart of King's Landing, Linnea's days were a blend of privilege and intrigue. Her childhood unfolded amidst the legacy of her parents' unconventional relationship, shaping her perception of both the realm and her own identity.   Linnea's education has been carefully curated by skilled tutors who recognized her thirst for knowledge. Engaging with subjects ranging from history and literature to the natural world, she developed the foundation for a well-rounded intellect. Her inquisitive nature has driven her to explore the lush gardens surrounding their estate, where she felt a connection to the world beyond the walls.   With the Red Keep serving as a backdrop, Linnea observes the ebbs and flows of courtly life with a sense of wonder. Her youthful presence often went unnoticed, but her keen eyes absorbed the intricate dance of politics and power. Courtly gatherings became a theater where she observed the players and sought to unravel the motivations behind their actions.   Linnea's innate charm has drawn the interest of the young noble girls of court. Among her companions are Lady Elara Velaryon, a spirited and adventurous young lady from House Velaryon, Elara shares Linnea's curiosity about the world beyond. Their shared enthusiasm for exploration often leads to daring escapades within the gardens and courtyards of King's Landing. Lady Isabella Rosby, a gentle and empathetic soul from House Rosby,is also close with Linnea. Isabella's calming presence often soothes Linnea's restless thoughts. Their conversations veer from the light-hearted to the contemplative, revealing a bond founded on shared perspectives.   As Linnea's understanding of the world deepens, she yearns to uncover her place within the grand tapestry of House Targaryen and the Seven Kingdoms. The complexities of her parentage and the intrigue of courtly life stir within her a desire to contribute to the realm's narrative in a meaningful way.   Largely separated by the currents of circumstance from her half-siblings, Linnea carries a longing to form a stronger connection with them. She envisions a future where their shared experiences and familial ties bridge the gap, creating a bond that weaves their individual stories together.     Appearance   Lady Linnea Waters stands as a mesmerizing fusion of her parents' contrasting legacies, a living canvas painted with the hues of both Valyrian and Riverlands ancestry. Her ethereal presence is a testament to the delicate balance struck between two distinct worlds, a harmonious blend of features that captivate all who gaze upon her. Linnea's hair is a cascade of silken black waves. Strands of raven-black hair intermingle like the currents of a river. Linnea's eyes are a mesmerizing blend of her parents' gaze. Her eyes are a captivating shade of deep amethyst with flecks of the violet hue that permeate her fathers irises. Linnea's complexion is a canvas upon which her Valyrian heritage is painted. Her skin carries a porcelain smoothness reminiscent of her Valyrian ancestry, reminiscent of moonlight on the water. In her attire, Linnea pays homage to her dual heritage. She often dresses in flowing gowns that showcase the hues of both her parents' worlds. Fabrics in deep blues and rich purples adorned with delicate embroidery that mirrors the intricate beauty of the realm itself. Beyond the physical, Linnea's presence is a testament to the intricate blending of her lineage. Her demeanor at this young age exudes a gentle strength and poise, a reflection of the Riverlands' serenity and the fire of her Valyrian spirit. Her voice is a melodious symphony that captures the essence of her mother.


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