Syraphon Waters

Name: Syraphon   House: Targaryen (Bastard)   Age: 15   Titles: Dragonseed (Informal)   Father: King Valarion Targaryen   Mother: Lady Elara Blackwood   Spouse: None   Children: None   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography     Childhood   Syraphon Waters was born into a world of secrets and whispered intrigues, the product of an illegitimate union between King Valarion Targaryen and Lady Elara Blackwood. His birth marked a convergence of noble bloodlines, a blend of Targaryen and Riverlands ancestry that set him apart from his contemporaries.   Growing up within the walls of King's Landing, Syraphon's upbringing was a mix of privilege and complexity. His parentage, though known to the realm, cast a shadow over his existence, shaping his identity and the way he navigated the world around him. Raised by his mother, Lady Elara, and shielded by the king's protection, Syraphon's early years were marked by a curious blend of intrigue and shelter.   Despite the circumstances of his birth, Syraphon displayed a quiet resilience and an inquisitive nature. He spent his days wandering the corridors of the Red Keep, observing the courtly machinations and absorbing the lessons that would define his future. He also spent much of his time disguised in the streets of King's Landing, learning all about the city that is his home.   Syraphon's formative years were marked by personal growth and introspection. While the circumstances of his birth continued to cast a long shadow, he sought to define himself beyond the boundaries of his lineage. His education encompassed a variety of subjects, from history and strategy to courtly etiquette, reflecting his desire to understand the realm he was a part of.   Around the age of 10 his mother gave birth to his little sister, Lady Linnea Waters, another bastard child of the King. He has protected her and done his best to teach her ever since.   As he matured, Syraphon found himself caught in the currents of divided loyalties. The legacy of his Targaryen lineage pulled him towards the crown, while his mother's heritage tugged at him from the opposite direction. The complex web of relationships and allegiances within King's Landing served as the backdrop to his struggle to find his place in a world defined by power and politics.     Present Day   As he stands on the precipice of adulthood, Syraphon harbors ambitions of his own. While the Targaryen blood that flows through his veins awakens a natural interest in the crown, his interests extend beyond those of court. He yearns to prove himself as a capable leader, to make a lasting impact on the realm, and to craft a legacy that will be remembered by generations to come.   Syraphon's days are filled with a rigorous blend of education and training. Under the guidance of skilled tutors, he delves into the annals of history, strategy, and diplomacy. His studies encompass both the art of warfare and the complexities of courtly intrigue, reflecting the duality of his parentage. His dedication to learning mirrors his desire to prove his worth beyond the circumstances of his birth.   Syraphon shares a unique rapport with the guards who watch over him, his mother, and his little sister, Lady Linnea Waters. The loyal protectors have become like a second family to him, providing a sense of stability and trust in the ever-shifting landscape of King's Landing. Though he is cautious about forging close bonds with those outside his immediate circle, Syraphon's interactions reveal a polite and respectful nature that reflects his noble upbringing. He can be found in the yard of the small walled estate him and his mother reside at practicing swordsmanship with the men and joining in on their training exercises.   Within the confines of the Red Keep, Syraphon has cultivated a handful of friendships. These friendships provide him with a sense of camaraderie and understanding that he often craves. Among these companions, he finds a respite from the demands of his position and a chance to simply be himself.   Amidst the bustling halls of King's Landing, one figure stands out to Syraphon Waters: Lady Seraphina Caron, a young noblewoman of court whose presence has left an indelible impression on his heart. Their encounters have been fleeting yet meaningful, marked by intense gazes that linger and moments of brief conversation that remain etched in his memory. Lady Seraphina possesses an air of mystique that draws Syraphon's attention like a moth to a flame. Her striking beauty is matched by an enigmatic grace that captures his imagination. With chestnut hair cascading like silk and eyes as deep as the ocean, she seems to hold secrets and stories that beckon him closer.   Over the years, their paths have crossed on multiple occasions within the walls of the Red Keep. Each time, their eyes have met in a dance of shared curiosity and understanding that transcends mere courtly pleasantries. These stolen glances have ignited a spark of intrigue within Syraphon, leaving him yearning for more.   In the midst of courtly events and gatherings, Syraphon and Lady Seraphina have exchanged brief words. These conversations, though limited, have revealed glimpses of her intellect and wit, further fueling his attraction. Their exchanges are punctuated by moments of shared laughter and genuine connection, each one adding to the tapestry of emotions he feels for her.   While they have yet to spend significant time together, Syraphon finds himself daydreaming about the moments they might share in the future. He envisions conversations that delve deeper into their thoughts, interests, and aspirations, hoping to unravel the layers of her mystery and build a genuine connection that extends beyond fleeting interactions.   As Syraphon navigates his complex world, Lady Seraphina Caron remains a beacon of hope and inspiration. His crush on her is more than just a passing fancy; it is a thread that weaves through his aspirations, dreams, and desire to create connections beyond the confines of his upbringing. With each stolen glance and whispered conversation, their connection grows stronger, igniting a flame that promises to burn brighter with time.   Despite the limited contact with his siblings, Syraphon's heart is tethered to his desire to forge connections with them. His admiration for his father and his half-brother, Prince Lucaelar Targaryen, and the other members of his family is profound, and he longs to learn about their lives directly from them. The mysteries and stories surrounding his siblings fuel his curiosity, and he envisions a future where they can share experiences and stories, binding them together as a united family.     Appearance   At fifteen years old, Syraphon Waters is a young man on the cusp of adulthood, with a countenance that reflects the blended heritage of his bloodlines. His features carry a fusion of Targaryen and Blackwood traits, resulting in a unique and striking appearance. His hair is a cascade of dark waves, reminiscent of the Riverlands' flowing waters. The ebony hue is inherited from his mother's lineage, framing his face with a touch of untamed elegance. Syraphon's eyes, a vivid shade of violet like his father's, are a striking feature that captivates those who meet his gaze. They hold a depth of emotion and curiosity, reflecting the intricate thoughts that churn beneath the surface. His skin carries a pale undertone, a reminder of his Valyrian ancestry. Syraphon's figure is a blend of youthful grace and the promise of maturity. He stands at an average height for his age, with a physique that is gradually taking on the lean strength of a young man's body. He is atheltic and strong for his age.


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