Lord Gerold Lannister

Name: Gerold   House: Lannister   Age: Deceased   Titles: Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, and Shield of Lannisport   Father:   Mother:   Spouse: Lady Evelina Lannister Brax   Children: Lord Tytos Lannister, Princess Lyanna Martell Lannister   Religion: The Faith of the Seven     Biography     Childhood   Gerold Lannister spent his early years within the grand halls of Casterly Rock and around Lannisport. As the second son of House Lannister, he was raised with a strong sense of duty and honor. Gerold's childhood was marked by close companionship with his elder brother, Lord Martin Lannister.   Gerold received a well-rounded education, focusing on matters of state and warfare. He developed a keen understanding of strategy and diplomacy, drawing inspiration from the great Lannister ancestors who came before him. During his time at the Red Keep as a ward, Gerold formed a friendship with Ser Harlan Tarbeck, a fellow noble ward. This friendship would later prove valuable in strengthening House Lannister's alliances.     Adulthood   Gerold married Lady Evelina Brax, a woman known for her beauty and grace. Their union was blessed with two children: Tytos and a daughter named Lyanna. Gerold's love and commitment to his family became evident as he balanced his responsibilities as a lord with his role as a devoted father and husband.   During the Skirmish of Silverhill Gerold led Lannister forces in a strategic engagement against rebel forces led by House Reyne. His tactical brilliance and leadership skills allowed House Lannister to emerge victorious. It was during this battle however that his elder brother Lord Martin Lannister met his untimely demise. This military triumph solidified his reputation as a capable military commander and further bolstered the family's honor, and his own name as the new Lord of the Westerlands.   Gerold's diplomatic prowess was highlighted when he successfully negotiated a trade agreement with House Martell of Dorne and a marriage between them and his daughter, opening new avenues for wealth and resources for House Lannister. His ability to navigate the complex politics of the realm was a testament to his astuteness.     Secrets   Gerold carried a secret about a past dalliance with a lady-in-waiting during his time as a ward in King's Landing. Though the affair ended without any public scandal, he remains haunted by the memory and potential fallout his relationship may have, hoping to ensure it remains buried in the past.     Appearance   In life Lord Gerold Lannister possesses the distinct golden hair that is synonymous with his house, though time has slightly dulled its brilliance. Standing at a sturdy 5 feet and 11 inches, his build reflects the strength of the Lannister lineage. His eyes, a shade lighter than his son's, are a warm and thoughtful green.   His demeanor exuded a combination of authority and approachability, inviting conversations with those who sought his guidance.

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