Lady Evelina Lannister Brax

Name: Evelina   House: Lannister (Brax)   Age: 60's   Titles: Lady   Father: Lord Brax   Mother: Lady Brax   Spouse: Lord Gerold Lannister   Children: Lord Martin Lannister, Lord Tytos Lannister, Princess Lyanna Martell Lannister   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography   Lady Evelina Brax grew up amidst the beauty of Hornvale, the seat of House Brax. Raised with a sense of nobility and duty, Evelina showed an early aptitude for diplomacy and a compassionate nature. She developed a close bond with her older sister, Lady Jocelyn Brax, who would later play a significant role in her life.   Evelina received an education focused on etiquette, courtly manners, and household management. She developed a strong sense of responsibility and an understanding of the complex social dynamics of noble life. During her time at court, Evelina formed a friendship with Lady Rhea Marbrand, a connection that would later become crucial in bridging House Lannister with other powerful houses.     Adulthood   Evelina's marriage to Lord Gerold Lannister marked the union of two prominent Westerlands houses. Together, they shared a love built on mutual respect and understanding. Their children, Martin, Tytos and Lyanna, became the center of Evelina's world, and she dedicated herself to nurturing their growth and happiness.   Evelina faced the challenge of managing the complex web of relationships and responsibilities that came with being Lady of Casterly Rock. Her diplomacy and tact helped her navigate the intricacies of court life, fostering alliances and solidifying House Lannister's influence.   Evelina played a crucial role in negotiating the trade agreement with House Martell of Dorne, showcasing her diplomatic skills. Her relationships with other noble women allowed her to build bridges and maintain a network of valuable connections.     Ambitions & Desires   Ambitions   Evelina's long-term ambition is to see her children thrive and prosper, ensuring a secure future for House Lannister. She hopes that through her children's marriages and alliances, the family's influence will only grow stronger.   Desires   Evelina desires to foster a sense of unity and camaraderie among her family members. She wishes for moments of joy and tranquility amidst the challenges of courtly life, hoping to create lasting memories for her loved ones.     Appearance   Lady Evelina Lannister possesses a timeless beauty that has only deepened with age. Her hair, once as golden as the sun, now carries hints of silver, framing her face in an elegant cascade. Her eyes, a serene and thoughtful green, mirror her kind and empathetic nature.   Evelina's attire reflects her regal status, often adorned with delicate patterns of gold and green that complement her house's colors. Her demeanor exudes grace and warmth, making her a beloved figure among the courtly circles of the Westeros.


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