Prince Arian Martell

Name: Arian   House: Martell   Age: Early 40's   Titles: Prince of Dorne (former)   Father: Prince Maric Martell   Mother: Princess of Martell   Spouse: Princess Elaria Martell Uller   Children: Prince Morian Martell   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography     Prince Arian Martell was destined to become a pivotal figure in the history of Dorne. As the firstborn son of Prince Maric Martell, Arian's childhood was marked by the weight of his future responsibilities. Raised within the walls of Sunspear, he received a comprehensive education that emphasized diplomacy, strategy, and the intricate politics of both Dorne and the wider realm.   Arian ascended to the position of Prince of Dorne following his father's death. Arian's rule began with optimism and a dedication to maintaining peace and unity. However, his leadership was soon tested by many within his region that sought to restore the region's former independence. Although he himself didn't believe in the cause, he ultimately chose to lead the rebel lords, knights, and lowborn. The rebellion was fueled by a desire to reclaim Dorne's autonomy and the belief that the Martells had relinquished too much in their alliance with the Seven Kingdoms. The rebellion gained momentum, fueled by dissenting voices and a longing for the old ways. As the conflict escalated, Arian's position grew increasingly tenuous. Faced with the challenge of maintaining unity while appeasing those who yearned for independence, he was eventually deposed and exiled from Dorne by the Iron Throne. The rebellion marked a painful chapter in the Martell legacy, shaking the foundations of the family's rule and leaving Arian and his family with a legacy of struggle.   Arian's exile did not diminish the respect and admiration many still held for him. His reign, marked by difficult decisions and the turmoil of rebellion, served as a reminder of the complexities of leadership. The events of his rule underscored the delicate balance between maintaining the traditions of Dorne and embracing unity within the Seven Kingdoms. Arian's legacy stands as a testament to the challenges of leadership, the complexities of ruling a region with diverse desires, and the enduring spirit of House Martell. Today he is somewhere in the Free Cities.     Appearance   Prince Arian Martell possessed the distinct features of the Martell lineage. His hair, a deep shade of black, frames his face in elegant curls. His eyes, a rich and warm hue of brown, reflected his wisdom and experience. Standing at 6' tall, he carries himself with a regal presence that was tempered by the weight of his responsibilities.   Arian's attire often blended the traditional clothing of Dorne with princely regalia, symbolizing his dual role as a representative of both his house and his region. His demeanor was marked by a sense of quiet determination, a trait that served him well in times of both triumph and adversity. Though his rule faced challenges, his leadership and dedication to his people remained steadfast throughout his tumultuous reign.


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