Princess Elaria Martell Uller

Name: Elaria   House: Martell (Uller)   Age: early-mid 40's   Titles: Princess, Regent of Dorne (former)   Father: Lord Uller   Mother: Lady Uller   Spouse: Prince Arian Martell   Children: Prince Morian Martell   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography     Born amidst the harsh sand and sun of Hellholt, Princess Elaria Martell Uller emerged into a world shaped by the legacy of House Uller, known for their unwavering loyalty to House Martell. Her upbringing within the walls of Hellholt instilled in her the values of strength, honor, and the fierce determination that characterized her lineage. Her formative years were marked by stories of Dornish history and the enduring spirit of her family.   Elaria's life took a significant turn when she married Prince Arian Martell, the heir to the Dornish throne. Despite personal reservations about Targaryen rule, she recognized the importance of unity and stability in a realm united under the Iron Throne. Her pragmatic nature led her to declare open neutrality while her husband decided to lead the rebelling forces.   Around 15 years ago, when Dorne's discontent with Targaryen rule culminated in an open rebellion and the eventual exile of her husband Elaria was granted a choice of death, exile, or life. Elaria, recognizing that she had a young son who was to be Prince of Dorne now, chose life and assumed the role of regent for him, ruling in his stead.   Elaria's time as regent was marked by her unwavering dedication to Dorne's stability and prosperity. She skillfully navigated the challenges that arose during the transition of power, ensuring that Dorne remained united and strong despite the recent upheaval. Her guidance and wisdom served as a guiding light for the young Morian, preparing him to one day assume the mantle of leadership with confidence and grace.   Elaria's regency left an indelible mark on Dorne's history. Her leadership during a tumultuous period showcased her resilience, determination, and commitment to her family's legacy. Her legacy is one of sacrifice, as she balanced her own beliefs with the responsibilities of leadership. Her influence on Morian's upbringing and her dedication to maintaining Dorne's unity continue to resonate through the annals of House Martell.     Appearance   Princess Elaria Martell Uller possesses the famous features of her Dornish heritage. Her hair, a cascade of dark curls, her eyes, a deep and thoughtful brown, held a reflection of her experiences and challenges and her skin a tan bronze. She does stand at a rather short 5'3".   Elaria's attire blended the traditional elegance of Dornish fashion with the regal qualities expected of a ruler. Her demeanor exuded a quiet authority, a testament to her years of experience and leadership.


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