Prince Nymor Martell

Name: Nymor   House: Martell   Age: 3   Titles: Prince   Father: Prince Morian Martell   Mother: Princess Lyanna Martell Lannister   Spouse: None   Children: None   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography     Childhood   Prince Nymor Martell is the cherished first child of Princess Lyanna Martell (née Lannister) and Prince Morian Martell. From the moment of his birth, he became a symbol of the union between the noble houses of Martell and Lannister, carrying with him the legacy of two great realms. Nymor's early years have been filled with love and care, as he is nurtured within the warm embrace of his Dornish home and family.   Even at the tender age of 3, Nymor shows signs of an inquisitive nature and a keen intellect. His parents have started to introduce him to the tales of both House Martell, House Lannister, and even House Targaryen, fostering a sense of connection to his dual heritage and Westeros. His curiosity and bright-eyed wonder serve as a foundation for his future education and aspirations.   Nymor's strong bond with his parents is evident in the joyous moments they share together. His mother, Princess Lyanna, often tells him stories of bravery and valor from the realms of Dorne and the Westerlands. His father, Prince Morian, teaches him about the importance of honor and diplomacy, setting a noble example for him to follow.   As an older brother, Prince Nymor also dotes on his baby sister Princess Arienne Martell almost constanly, wanting to play with her and show her the world.     Ambitions and Desires     Ambitions   Though he is only 3 years old, Nymor's parents hold the hope that he will grow up to embody the ideals of unity and cooperation between Dorne and the Westerlands. They envision him as a bridge between the cultures, fostering a future of peace and prosperity.   Desires   At this young age, Nymor's desires are simple and pure. He delights in spending time with his parents, exploring the water gardens of Dorne, and discovering the wonders of the world around him. His heart is filled with innocent joy and curiosity.     Appearance   Even in his early years, Prince Nymor Martell possesses a natural charm that draws people to him. His hair, a shade between golden and brown, has a tendency to catch the sunlight in a way that mirrors the sands of Dorne. His eyes, a captivating light brown, hold a spark of curiosity and wonder that is characteristic of his youth.   Nymor's attire is comfortable and practical, allowing him to explore his surroundings freely. His demeanor is marked by an exuberant energy and a sense of adventure, a reflection of his early exploration of the world and his role as a beloved young prince.


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