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The Keraishi

We can be anyone or anything you see, young soul, and you won't know it unless we want you to.
  Beings of moderate to immense power, the Keraishi are extra dimensional beings often mistaken for literal gods. In truth, they act more as the servants of an even greater power, which is little understood even by them.  



Keraishi have no set appearance, instead they have preferences that influence the shape and color of their bodies and only deviate from this to ensure their true nature remains unknown (example: one that prefers reptilian forms and black, white and red for colors would forgo the former if they needed to assume the shape of a human and ensure their preferred colors were a part of their hair and/or clothing). Their control over their form is also dependent on their age and status within their kind.  


Note: the following information is only known due to a few members admitting it and it's possible it may be intentionally misleading.
According to sources, every Keraishi starts out as a normal mortal soul. Upon death, due to some unknown selection process, that soul is 'recruited' into the ranks as a Keraishi, starting out as a lesser spirit with little agency of their own. They are assigned new lives, and with it a specific goal or purpose to fulfill. At this stage they are not much different than the mortals they are assuming the form of, including lifespan, though any special talents or abilities they had in their previous lives may carry over: they also retain any memories of their previous lives.
As long as they perform well, these spirits get stronger and stronger as they live more lives, until they are experienced and powerful enough to be considered a proper Keraishi. With this designation they earn a permanent name and now have full control over their forms and are allowed to go where they please, so long as it serves the purpose of the one above them. They also start to develop preference for certain roles, thus start to specialize in said roles, resulting in them earning a few titles.
After even more time, they may become powerful enough to become an Ascended, the eldest and most powerful of their kind whom ensure the others stay in line.  


Death, for the most power, matters little to them, for the physical forms they take are simply shells, vessels, for their essence. For a young Keraishi, the death of their body simply means they will be reborn again somewhere else, with a new body and task to fulfill. For older ones, it's an annoyance/inconvenience: depending on their age they may come back instantly as if nothing had happened.
There are only a few of of ways a Keraishi can truly 'die'. One is when the 'one' determines it's time for them to join them. To become one with the 'one' is considered a great honor and gives up it's existence willingly. The second is in the rare cases when a Keraishi rebels against the 'one' and starts to disrupts the way of things. If this individual refuses to correct its ways, despite punishments, the decision to sentence the individual to oblivion is made.
The last is usually only happens with younger Keraishi and that when an individual becomes so attached to something in the life they are currently living, such as a forming a romantic bond. The sudden loss of this attachment becomes too much to bare and these Keraishi often willingly send themselves to oblivion.  


Young Keraishi are limited to what they have learned during the lives they have lived. Once they earn full independence, they are capable of learning any power they wish, so long as it is used responsibly. There are a few powers that are carefully regulated, if not forbidden. Time Travel is forbidden, for instance, while the related time manipulation power is heavily regulated and bound to Laws of Causality (e.g. if you freeze time, the time that would have passed must affect something else). Another is anything involving the resurrection of the dead, including necromancy: such things are only allowed in very specific circumstances.  

General Rules

Keraishi are allowed to only guide and advise and not directly get involved with mortal lives in general (there is a more leyway with younger ones, since they are currently living mortal lives). They also must assume forms that would be familiar and even comforting to the mortals they are interacting with. An exception to both of these is when a Keraishi is tasked with challenging or tempting the mortals from a moral path: in other words, they can serve both as the 'angel' and 'demon' if the mortal's faith.
In some cases, they may be permitted to case castrophies upon a world to test the inhabitants on a more continental, if not global scale. Rarely, they may be giving the grim task of wiping a planet clean of sapient life.  


As they are extra dimensional beings, they are capable of appearing in any universe, fictionally. They've made appearances in various IPs, sometimes for fun, other times to help drive the plot.  

Known Keraishi

Including their role preference (if any) and what fandoms they have appeared in (if any), in my work
Ramekozu - Judgement/Order (Halo)
Azuwezia - Love/Healing (Halo/Transformers)
Demonakos - Chaos (Halo/Transformers/Mass Effect/The Hobbit)
Zilathoga - Illness/Trial
Aenallid/Kaddrocom/Phaseshot (Transformers)
Kugathun - (Transformers)  


These guys have been around for a long time in some for other in my head, but really started taking shape after learning about the Q from Star Trek.
Other names
Astral Spirits
(prob a few others I can't recall)

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