BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Bio: Born on Planet Vegeta, a member of the mighty warrior race known as Saiyans, Nion was classed as a member of the warrior caste due to her high power level upon birth. Raised in the crucible of combat as a member of the saiyan army, serving under the galactic tyrant Frieza. Nion helped to conquer multiple planets, as was the custom of her people. Following a defeat while attempting to overthrow a particularly mighty empire, Nion was believed deceased. The reality was something far stranger had occurred.   Nion had been selected to participate in a hyperdimensional game of sorts, as a representative of one of the godlike beings who oversaw the multiverse. She was thrown into a new reality, and given a series of tasks to fulfill in order to move on, only being promised a way to return if she performed well enough in the game.   Nion initially went about doing what she always did, seeking out strong opponents to fight and indulging in her own power. However, she was unprepared for the strangeness of the new world she had arrived in. She learned that the laws of physics in her home reality were far looser, less clearly established than the new one she’d been placed. Where as before she had the strength to shatter mountains, in other worlds, her power was reduced significantly. True, she was still far superior to the average citizen, but no longer was she so far advanced that she could simply do as she pleased. Indeed, the world she arrived on had several beings more powerful than she was by far.   The experience on the world was humbling, and forced her to reevaluate herself. Her warrior spirit never dimmed, but she learned to better empathize with the people she once tried to enslave, and found herself more enamored with the idea of fighting to protect the weak, rather than subjugate them. The world she had fallen onto had an organization called ‘the hero association’ which registered and trained superhuman beings to fight for others. Nion enlisted, and for a brief time worked as a superhero of sorts.   However, Nion never actually completed the task she was assigned, apparently the gods of her world had hoped she would do battle with someone named ‘Saitama’, but she’d never been able to find such a person. While she never got to complete her task, Nion was reassigned after a competitor on a different world was disqualified, forcing her to shunt to a new world.   She first was teleported to Pokemon, where she tried to use her own powers to defeat a gym leader, but she was subdued and arrested immediately. Once the party was teleported, she found herself in a classroom of sorts, being taught by a hologram. With annoyance, she was able to complete the test and earn a Caretaker Collar.   She was teleported to the Rock Garden by the hologram, and she wasted no time in attempting to blow up as many Trashies as she could, but found that the Collar was actually needed. So, she destroyed a lot of Inert pollutions and Trashies, and found various trees with strange foods, which she took samples of.   However, this wasn't exciting enough for her Patron, which stopped paying Nexus. Nion was moved to the Redistribution List at this point, along with everything she earned or owned.




Towards Unnamed NS5 Robot


Unnamed NS5 Robot


Towards Nion




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