Clockwork Time in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Clockwork Time

The Clockwork Federation has enacted a standard for time observed throughout the The Triumvirate to synchronize spacefarers without the need for a dusk or dawn. This system of time measurement is called "Clockwork Time".


  • A day is separated into 3 shifts. This equates to a full rotation of Archimedias Station around it's central axis. The start of a day is defined as the illumination of the central light shaft.
  • A shift is separated into 8 hours. This equates to a 120° rotation of Archimedias Station around it's central axis.
  • A hours is separated into 60 minutes. This equates to a 15° rotation of Archimedias Station around it's central axis.
  • A minute is separated into 60 seconds. This equates to a 0.25° rotation of Archimedias Station around it's central axis.
  • A second equates to a full rotation of the core gear axle in every Clockwork Gnome
  • The third shift of a day (colloquially called "graveyard shift") is usually - as far as possible - reserved for downtime, recharge and rest. It equates to what a planet would call night.


  • A year is separated into 12 months. This equates to a full rotation of Archimedias Station on it's solar orbit relative to the Guiding Stars. The start of a years as the start of the first day during the alignment between the Taurus Star constellation and central Sun.
  • A month is separated into 28 days. This equates to a 30° rotation of Archimedias Station on it's solar orbit.


Planets usually have a parallel system of time keeping that is in line with the local sunrise and sunset as well as the planetary orbit. People living on those planets in rural areas usually structure their lives around this local time, while people in more urban areas tend to live by clockwork time.


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