The Triumvirate Geographic Location in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

The Triumvirate

The Triumvirate is a constellation of multiple systems. It is named after the three major systems that are roughly arranged in a triangle, so close that at times their Wildspace border almost overlaps.   The name is slightly misleading. Since the term was established in the early days of space travel, multiple new systems have been discovered within reach of the three major systems. These are called Minor systems - though "minor" is not necessarily reflective of their size or density but instead of the power of the people naming these systems. Scientific observation indicates that even more systems should be within reach. There is an ongoing race of multiple factions to discover those systems and chart a safe route through the Astral Sea to lay claim to them.   Observations and remarks from Entities traversing the Astral Sea indicate that this high density of Wildspace systems around The Triumvirate is an anomaly in the grand scheme of the universe. Usually Wildspace are much further apart from each other. The reason for this strange constellation is the topic of much academic debate.  

Major Systems


Minor Systems

Alternative Name(s)
The Systems, The Whole damn Thing, Spaces, Triangle
Galactic Sector
Location under


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