Sidius Geographic Location in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil


The central and bizzar looking solar object at the center of the Dural system is Sidius. Only recently it was properly categories as a blackhole with 2 orbiting suns, strechted and slowly absorbed into the central balckhole. The light of the acretions disk shines equally bright as the suns themself, while also being bend and shifted by the gravity of the blackhole. Also this makes Sidius a rather spececular and unique sight to behold.   Many of the early - and still most powerful - religions founded in the Dural system rever in some version the bringt glowing symbol in the stars. As your location relative to Sidius can quite drastically change how you percive this spectacle of nature, this naturally lead to quite contrary ideas about the nature and form of this sun entity. As such the form of Sidius is quoted as the first ever grounds for religious conflict in the Dural system. Conflicts that still remain unresolved.
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