Last Gasp

A techno-wizard impact hammer capable of breaching arcane shields

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The hammer has two striking surfaces.  Both are capable of breaching magical barriers, but each creates a different effect when it strikes an actual target.
When the hammer strikes a barrier, it does damage to it as would any other weapon strike.  If the barrier is a magical barrier, the weapon also drains the barrier of the power the caster put into it, causing it to dispel.  If the caster is conscious and aware of the state of their barrier, the caster has the FREE option of re-powering the barrier.  Because this is a draining effect that the weapon imparts into the barrier itself, re-powering the barrier in this fashion does not increase its durability or make it last longer than it was originally set to last.     Blunt surface:  When striking a 'soft' object, the hammer will cause the victim to suffer a loss of breath.  This is an arcane effect, so it will occur even if a limb is struck. What is a soft object is the up to the judgment of the GM.  The target may not use any verbal communication or abilities until the start of the hammer wielder's next turn.   Piercing end:  When striking a 'hard' object, the hammer has an additional armor penetration of 2.  What is a hard object is up to the judgment of the GM.  If the target is hit it suffers Unstoppable Bleeding, but only if a wound is caused.  (this is different from other weapons by Harbinger Arms, which only need a successful hit to cause Unstoppable Bleeding).   The weapon must first be charged with 2 PP by the weilder to empower these magical effects. Thereafter, every subsequent power point drain consumes 2 points of the drained power to power the weapon for further attacks. This works whether the power points are drained from a magical barrier or from causing a wound.
Rare.   Less than hundred of these have ever been made.  They are all nearly identical, with deviations in finish only.

Cover image: Sci-fi Hammer 4 by AH-Kai


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