
A pair of vambraces covered in blades, topped off with a set of claws, guaranteed to cause nasty wounds.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

On a successful hit, even if it does not cause a wound, they will cause Unstoppable Bleeding (only on creatures capable of bleeding, of course).  Wounds created by scarifiers are so messy, they require two successful healing attempts or a raise in a healing attempt to be removed.  This additional effect is arcane in nature and is applicable whether the victim can bleed or not.   The wielder has the option of charging them with 2 PPE before battle to enable a PPE draining effect equivalent to the Drain Power Points power.  Thereafter, every subsequent power point drain consumes 2 points of the drained power to power the weapon for further attacks.   Once a successful PPE drain occurs, the wielder enters a Battle Fury.  While under the effects of Battle Fury, the wielder may ignore 2 points of multi-action penalties per turn.  This stacks with any other multi-action penalty reductions, but is only applicable to melee attacks.  If no melee actions are taken in a turn, the battle fury disperses and must be built again with another PPE-draining attack.


Dog Boys and other mutant animals have an attraction to these far more than any other race.   Because the special arcane effect of scarifiers affects not the abilities of the targets during battle, but rather makes healing the targets more difficult, their use is generally looked upon with distaste.  They are a favored weapon of assassins or people wanting to ensure their victims never get up again.
A mid-series Scarifier worn:  
blades only gauntlet.jpg
Rare.  Less than hundred pair have ever been made.  The blade design has changed over the run of production so far.  The first sets were mostly blades over the forearms and elbows, while later versions have more claw-like extensions passing over the backs and sides of the hands.  Accordingly, when a pair of scarifiers is encountered, its design could be anywhere across that range.

Cover image: Night Hunter by Tom Anderson


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